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33.4 timer totalt (33.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Arrowhead Game Studios!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Sony!You should be sent to Satan and punished!
Publisert 4. mai 2024.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
4.4 timer totalt (4.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Overall, the game was pretty hard to tell, except for the awesome atmosphere and the BOSS fight. First, the process was short because it took me a little over 4 hours to complete all the achievements, which is the shortest time I've ever played in a game. The playability is really far from that of other level games. In addition, the repetitive and boring task is to help NPCS run errands to get weapons and scrap metal to upgrade the train. The more critical point is that the death penalty in this game is really too low, just deduct a little scrap metal and respawn on the train. Although it is understandable that the game was developed by one person and his ability is limited, in my opinion, this game is only a half-finished product at best. I hope the author can improve it later. And the completion of the game doesn't justify the high pricing.
Publisert 16. januar 2023.
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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
7,302.1 timer totalt (5,804.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
There isn't one of the best wallpapers you've ever used!  All kinds of wallpaper are available and the soft armor is really cheap!  Just buy it!  It's been hanging on Steam for thousands of hours!
Publisert 16. januar 2022.
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6 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
23.9 timer totalt (23.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
优:1. 画风不错特别是人物立绘方面用心了,看起来舒服
2. BGM很带感,玩起来很有感觉(这就是你莽夫的借口???)
3. 操作上相比于其他的游戏例如(空洞骑士,Ori和死亡细胞)来说已经简化了许多,上手也算容易
4. 多样化的符文,道具,怪物以及BOSS构建了很好的铺垫,也是卖点之一

劣: 1.剧情方面有些乱,放了很多坑(例如为什么卡特会叫阿贝尔父亲???)让玩家百思不得其解,不知道官方后面打算怎么填(加油吧!)


Publisert 20. desember 2019.
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90.7 timer totalt (70.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
High Quality Image!+Stimulating Plot And Experience!+Refreshing Variety Of Props+Vehicles!+Different Species!=Subnautica
This Game So Great! Recommend to Play!
Publisert 3. oktober 2019.
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4 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
3,970.1 timer totalt (789.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I used to have a good liking for this game, but from now on it will not exist!I'm going to talk about why and why I changed the good review to the bad review
Ubisoft's balancing logic makes it hard to understand why it should be done, even without a brain.Take Lion for example.He used to be my character of faith and I fell for him, but ubisoft has weakened him over and over again, and now he's a character I hate.I don't understand why ubisoft targets a character over and over again. Are you out of your mind?The point is that ubisoft now has a balance that's entirely up to the Professional player, and ubisoft will do whatever the Professional player think. Do you guys have brains that belong to Professional player ?Can you have your own opinions and ideas?Did you develop the game or are you professionals?I'm curious if you're developing this game for civilians or for passersby?Is there rubbish in your brain?
And ubisoft is really bad at running games now.For example, in the second operation of the fourth year, a few agents and props were banned because of vicious bugs. Ubisoft never fixed these bugs, and then the problem was that the old bugs were not fixed and the new ones were flooding in.I used to think your company is good now it seems that I was wrong, in fact, is bad!Very bad!Is the player experience worse than money for you?Please, ubisoft will take this game seriously. If it continues like this, it will be shut down sooner or later
Finally, I just want to say, please, ubisoft don't treat the game like a human being, please take the game seriously, don't just make money, this comment is not to scold you or to remind you
Publisert 21. november 2018. Sist endret 25. juni 2019.
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12 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
144.6 timer totalt (63.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Game is good,The gameplay and other aspects are also ok.But the game server is really rubbish and waste, even if optimized after a lot of good, but sometimes easy or inexplicable drop.Seriously, the game's server isn't as good as ubisoft's potato server, so why can't the authorities put some effort into building a good game server when they can make such a good game?Isn't the gaming experience important?Do so many bad reviews make the official air here?Are negative reviews officially advertising?If the server is still so bad, one day the bad reviews will exceed the good ones!Use brain to build a better server!pls!
Publisert 3. november 2018.
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5 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
3,814.2 timer totalt (988.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
One of the greatest examples of a free to play game.
this game use warframe replace tradition game occupation,everyone has their own different skills,thats funny .
also the principal line is wonderful and image quality very well.
the most important thing is warframe dont need you to pay so much money for it,if you are willing to spend free time to play it ,you also can be stronger,i like it very much
also we can make so many different skins and colour for our own warframe
this game charm is has so many different playing methods ,we dont need confined to sole ,can create fun by ourselves
why not join this game?
Publisert 16. februar 2018.
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