[666] JokerCat
king clorox
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🧍🏻‍♀️ Mariah 3 Jul, 2020 @ 6:48pm 
💎 ♫ 🌽 ♫ 🥗 ♫ 📕 ♫ 🍖 ♫ 🍇 ♫ 🚙 ♫ ⚡ ♫ 👽 ♫ 📒 ♫ 💙 ♫ 🐠 ♫ 💚 ♫ 🐟
(Mulder's watching a video tape)
Scully: It's not your usual brand of entertainment... What is
Mulder: According to the magazine ad I answered, it's an alien
autopsy. Guaranteed authentic."
Scully: You spent money for this???
Mulder: 29.95 plus shipping!

"The X-Files: Nisei"

Mulder: We were just exhuming,....your potato.

"The X-Files: Humbug"
🌋 ♫ 🎁 ♫ 🌸 ♫ 🌏 ♫ 🐊 ♫ 📀 ♫ 👾 ♫ 🎄 ♫ 🌂 ♫ 💛 ♫ 🌸 ♫ 🐝 ♫ 🔋 ♫ 💎