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12 av 16 (75%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer


Reach The Underworld
Upplåst 16 feb @ 11:15

Hell Cliffs

Reach The Hell Cliffs
Upplåst 16 feb @ 19:28

The Car Race

Reach The Car Race
Upplåst 16 feb @ 19:33

The Mysterious Cave

Reach The Mysterious Cave
Upplåst 16 feb @ 19:40

The Subway Station

Reach The Subway Station
Upplåst 3 mar @ 20:07

The City

Reach The City
Upplåst 3 mar @ 20:24

Over The Buildings

Reach The Rooftops
Upplåst 3 mar @ 20:39

The Warehouse

Reach The Warehouse
Upplåst 3 mar @ 20:50

The Harbor

Reach The Harbor
Upplåst 4 mar @ 7:32

The Temple

Reach The Temple
Upplåst 4 mar @ 7:58

The Asian Shrine

Reach The Asian Shrine
Upplåst 4 mar @ 8:07

The Deities

Reach The Deities
Upplåst 5 mar @ 7:00

10 Wings

Collect 10 Wings of Freedom scattered throughout the level

Climb faster

Reach the summit of the game in less than 1 hour and 50 minutes.

Lava mode

Finish the lava mode

The Garden

Reach The Garden