1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
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0.0 год. за 2 тижні / 0.6 год. загалом
Додано: 4 берез. о 5:22

The game seems quite cool, although I am a bit worried about the login stuff, as it seems there could be some kind of pay 2 win or gacha element, that is not obvious form the beginning but could be introduced after certain playtime or something?
Whatever, the main reason why I would not recommend the game, is that it lacks the basic stuff:

Mainly you cannot really play this, as the font-size and UI is way to small.
And there is no option to increase the size.
What for a design is that, when the buttons are very small and therefore there is a lot of unused space on the scree.
After hurting my eyes for half and hour, I had enough.
What a pitty, the game could have had potential.
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