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0.8 hrs on record
Stupid chash grab.
Does not even work properly.
Posted 6 March.
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0.6 hrs on record
The game seems quite cool, although I am a bit worried about the login stuff, as it seems there could be some kind of pay 2 win or gacha element, that is not obvious form the beginning but could be introduced after certain playtime or something?
Whatever, the main reason why I would not recommend the game, is that it lacks the basic stuff:

Mainly you cannot really play this, as the font-size and UI is way to small.
And there is no option to increase the size.
What for a design is that, when the buttons are very small and therefore there is a lot of unused space on the scree.
After hurting my eyes for half and hour, I had enough.
What a pitty, the game could have had potential.
Posted 4 March.
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0.1 hrs on record
Intrusive Anti-Cheat.
The game does not launch.

Probably needs kernel permissions.
Annoying to have to wait for a game to finish downloading, just to find out, that you can't play it.
Luckily I have done it after the particular update.
I have read of people, that where playing the game for hours and hours and now can't anymore.

Very poor decision in my opinion.
Posted 1 March.
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18.6 hrs on record (15.4 hrs at review time)
The game seems to have potential and it has it good and high-quality aspects, but the downpoints of this game are to big to really enjoy it.
It feels unfinished at some points and some design decisions are questionable, at best.
The game could have used another year of development, but if you are greedy and want to earn money on a big IP fast, then you push it out unfinished.

My biggest Issues, because no one will read a long text anyway:

- not enough autosaves, probalby no quicksave-funcionallity.
This is an issue, because:

- Crashes now and then, once even my entire system.
No other game has managed that so far.
And I have pretty good hardware.
GPU runs at 40% and CPU and Ram around 10% and less, still the game crashes and stutters sometime.

-Awful facial animations.
Why are they grinning so creepy?
Reminds me of the old 2000s asian 3D animations, but not worth of a high-quality game

-Awful audio for the main charactes voice.
Why does it sound like a robot?
Matches the creepy grinning though.

-Weird character designs.
Some look unfinished.
Children are often looking like small adults.
Hair is sometimes pixelated or to raw, not state of the art.

-Bugs and railroad gameplay.
Sometimes some stuff just does not work - because it is bugged.
Want to do something you are not supposed to do yet?
Your bad, you can't do it.
Visit the clothing shop in Hogsmead before a certain story event?
Then you can't interact with the shopkeeper, he even does not greats you.
Move one centimeter to far away from Professor Weasly, because you want to finish a puzzle?

-The world seems to have a lot of detail, but does not feel alive.
Characters stand around, without doing much.
NPCs spanw into you or walk trough buildings, before vanishing in the void again etc. etc.
Feels a bit uneasy.

-Game does not allow roleplay.
More of a issue I have, than an objective bad point, but I canno't really make a lot of (impactfull) decisions and they also don't change how my character behaves.
He is a overfriendly guy, joyfull and nice.
But I want to play a more reversed and maybe little evil character.
Luckily I haven't picked Slitherin, imagin being in this House, but still just a nice-guy.

-DLC policy?
Seems so, or why would you get bombarded with stuff you have unlocked, before even having created your character?
This really is not needed for a single-player, offline-game.
Either I have the stuff or not, but why showing my great unlock information, for stuff I have anyway right from the start?
Just annoying to have to click all away.

-To forced wokeness.
Noting agains queer characters or different ethnics.
But some and so much just don't match the place and time.
Some are okay, and I don't mind important characters being like this, but did they have to punch itnto our noses?
The 'I am trans or black and therefore more important and better than anyone else'-policy is annoying.
Just threat them as normal humans, like everyone else is, at least...

-So equippment is cosmetic, but also increases your stats.
So you either have to look totally stupid or be weak.
Is there no function to set a cosmetic and a functionall armor or something?
Haven't found a feature like this after 15h of playing yet.
What if someone does not want to wear glasses, a scarve or a hat?

-Wastet potenital on a lot of stuff.
Just one example:
You can change your appreance at a hairdresser shop, but just to the stuff, you already where able to create your character with.
Cool if you want to change something now and then, but else boring.
At least let us unlock some new haircuts or colors, and make them more pricy or something.

-Puzzles and collecting are nice implemented and better as in some games like assasins creed, where it is just a chore.
But still not perfect and nice.
You have to do it, else you don't meet the level requirement for the main quest and can't continue.
Look at old RPGs like Elder Scrolls or Gothic, here you can see how to do it correctly.
Let people explore and reward them, but don't force them to.
What game design decision is that?
Increasing playing hours, to look better in the statistics, like:
Hey, our game costs 60€, but also the main story takes 120h or something?

Conclusion: Nice stuff to discover and fun, even for non-harry potter fans, but overall weak for what it could have been.
In the end, if you buy from big publishers, that are just there for business and not for the good game, you will get just a product good enough to barely fit the needed criteria.
Or you are stupid anyway and buy the next fifa, that is basically the same and you pay for lootboxes or cosmetcis.

Posted 28 February. Last edited 28 February.
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331.3 hrs on record (292.9 hrs at review time)
This game has become one of my favorites just after a short time.
It is probably one of the most well made gacha-games I have seen out there and also one of the most fair ones.
It also still has it issues though.

-Creating a Guild costs real money, if you want to play for free, you have to join one.
There is some content that only can be aquired for real life money, but for now it is just skins and the guild creation, so it is okay, I guess.
Still this means there might be content in the future, that will cost real money too.

-The game has a very dark story.
If stuff like death, betrayal and war is not for you, you probably should not play it.

-Some translation issues, for all that seems high quality about the game, the translation really is not.

-A lot of events, that could create FOMO, if you not constantly playing.
Some extra rewards, like skins and stuff are just aviable trough them and they also tell extra stories, that you might not see again anymore, after the event has ended.

-PvP on higher ranks only managable with good characters and gear.
Players that pay money easily surpass free2play players.
PvP is not necessary and there still are enough rewards, but you can not really become "the best".
Live PvP against friends and sometimes as event is also a thing, could become a normal game mode in the future and that will be an issue for f2p players.

-Some of the characters that gonna be released in the future, will not match the tone and style of the story and game anymore that well.
For example there will be a parody of team rocket or similar form pokemon, featuring a pig as pet.
That seems more like a joke, than an actuall character, but they made it.
Not sure what to think about that...

-Some characters feel already quite strong and as it is in these type of games, new released chararcters have to be better, than previous season ones.
I don't know how the game will look in 2-3years, when characters are way to overpowered or old characters are way to weak.

-The game comes from China.
Who cares, if they make a good game right?
Still it is a political and socially question.
Do we really want our money flowing to a country with a very...particular goverment system?
Can we make sure, in game chats don't get scanned and problematic stuff gets reported to the goverment?
(Well that are the same questions we could say about any other country to, like the USA, so probably you would not care much about this point.)

-A lot of tactical gameplay, might not be for everyone.

-Sometimes it feels like you have too much to do.
The game can be time consuming.

-Very well made game.
Good pixle art, good gameplay, nice stories, good music, etc. etc.
Unfortunatly the story mostly makes an impression with hurting.
The positive, feel good moments or even good endings are rare.

-A lot of content.
What is there already is made for several houndreds of playhours and they release new stuff the whole time.

A lot of extra events that keep the game interesting.
They are made with love, as they match the current released stuff (stories, characters etc.) and contain extra stories, extending what we already know form the main one.
Often we see character interactions and events, that had occured off screen.

-Enough to do, even if you run out of energy.
(Primarly the Spirals of Destiny. You need keys to open one chapter, but you get a few for free per month and some extra trough daily logins.
A chapter takes around 3-5 hours of gameplay and I already have safed up around 30 or so despite playing actively for half a year.
So it should provide you with enough content to play for some time.)

-Summoning seems fair.
You can get a lot of legendary characters.
Pity system seems more fair than in other games and even out of bad characters you can make something, if you have at least some good ones.
But after the initial few months of playing and early rewards, the amount of rewards you need for summoning decreases.
So then you have to wait 1-2 months to save up enough and probably will not get one or two characters you would have wanted inbetween.

Posted 23 September, 2024. Last edited 22 February.
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248.8 hrs on record
It was a good game, before they decided to add this attack on titan stuff.
What the hell? It doesn't even fit the game at all.
Suddenly there are nude giants running around eating people, you have unfriednly characters talking to you and their drawn art just doesn't match the game at all.
Okay for people who are fan of that Anime I guess, but at least give me the option to deactivate the stuff, if I really don't want to see it.
Maybe the developer is fan of it or the cooperation brings monetary benefits, but I just don't feel it at all.
Posted 1 July, 2024.
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17.3 hrs on record (7.9 hrs at review time)
I think I need to give this game a bit more time to enjoy, but currently it is just frustrating, especially because it does not much to help new players.
There are not mucht tutorial information, most of the stuff I just found out by trial and error or by reading some guides.
Also I don't know much about the story, since I didn't have played the previous games and I will not bother.
Every other game out there does a good job by explaining what has happend so far, how the world works and so on, but here that knowledge is just taken for granted in this game and nothing gets explainend.
You don't now who is this organisation or that god, and therefore can't really choose on which side you want to be or what is right or wrong for your character or the world.
Sometimes you even get dialog options with things your character knows, because of some classes or the characters origin, but you as player don't know this and it seems like you can't even read an encelopedia or something, to at least now what your character does.

And the game might seem like it gives you a lot of choiches, but to really play like you want, I guess you should have played the game at least once completly, to know how to do things, or lese it is just incredibly hard.
Then you also seem to need to xeplore everything and do every side quest to be strong enought to actually do the main quest, since you are forced the whole times into battles that you don't want and standing agains a lot more enemys with higher levels than you have.

I don't get why the story creates the urgency of you get a healing for you (to say without much spoilers) condition and then makes it pretty impossible to get to this point without side quests and stuff.
And on the other hand, if you leave yourself time, to do questing and explore the world, then you get punishded too.
So how am I supposed to enjoy the game, when I constantly get keeped on the edge and on the other hand get punished to rush to quickly?

Also it might seem, like you can choose which character should follow you and fight with you, but basically you have to accept everyon to your party (however you like thrust them or not), because otherwise the battles just get incredibly hard.
(At least I just have two different party members, besides my character and have the feeling, I would have died a lot less, if there where more guys around.)
I am even not sure about the concept, that you meet most relevant characters at the beginning where they could join you or not (besides you don't know anything about them and their motives) and then every character you encounter is just a story-npc that cannot join your party.
Would be better if some would ask you to join your party, after you have done some quest for them an got them to know a bit.

Finally the battle system adds to the frustrating, because there are also a lot of things you have to know and utilize, that don't get explained to you.
How sould I know I can carry explosive barrels and stuff within my inventory, and use them later in a battle, if this gets only explained in some guides outside the game or only gets found out by the player after hours of playing?

In the end the problem with the game seems, tha you as player don't now how to behave.
You get trained, that every person is not to be trust and that you should be carefull and if you do you either miss content because you don't speak with some persons or you get dragged into a fight, because the person is pissed of.
I guess the problem is less with the idea of this or the games concept, but more of how the reward and punish systems works and you basically can't do anything right, whatever you do.

I think this game can be great fun, if you take your time and effort to learn a lot of the game from other sources, so that you can untilize the knowledge within the game itself, but if you just want to enjoy the game itself, then brace yourself for a lot of realoding after your death even up to some hours of gameplay earlyer, to travel a different path, that might make things a bit more easy.

Maybe I am just playing the game wrong or the game is supposed to be some kind of 'realistic fantasy world simulator'-elden ring thing, but that just makes it too frustrating for me.
Lets see how my opinion will change in the future, but for now the game feels a bit to inacessible for me.
Posted 17 August, 2023.
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52.8 hrs on record (5.5 hrs at review time)
Just started playing and already have 5,5 hours on my first day, without a break.
Would have more, if it wasn't time to go to bed.
This game does everything right, what other simulation games don't do.
Every activity has some kind of Minigame, so even just painting the wall is way more fun than in other games, where you just press one mouse button and wait until the wall has changed its color.

You can never get bored by one activity, because when you learned the mechanics and did something for a while, the next activity is just right behind the next corner.
Also, there are tons of individualisation and customisation features, which lets the game feel extra rewarding, in addition to all the nice minigames and building up process for your gas station.

There is so much to do and so much to explore, so many creative ideas from the game creators, what to add to your gas station - This is not only the gas station and a management simulator, this game has also the car mechanic simulator, the thief simulator, house flipper, a store simulator and so much more features in one game included, it is really worth the money.

And you can expireienc a pretty decent storyline too - for a simulator game at least.
You even have some cutscenes here an there.

Only the requirements your PC has to fulfill are a bit high, but after setting the fps to 30 and chanegin gsome graphic settings, it still llagged a bit in the beginning, but started to run smoothly for the last few hours and hasn't crashed.
And my PC is still from the year 2013 and below 1000€ in its price.

Still, there are some bugs, you could experience - I think the developers have to work on some graphic and animation glitches for the character models and work on the AI, so that cars don't stand in the way of each other anymore.
At least there are reset buttons for the cars everywhere and they saved my life here and there.

I didn't buy the game on Steam, but a Steam key for a lower price on the internet.
Now I wish, I would have paid the full price: It would have been worth it already, even after only 5,5 hours of play.
Posted 16 January, 2022.
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2.6 hrs on record (1.7 hrs at review time)
Couldn't play more than 4 minutes, before the main-character died and I had to restart from the beginning.
Posted 12 December, 2021.
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0.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
You have to sign in with Google after you finished the tutorial.
What is this ?
Why can't I just play normal and let my progress get saved on my device or sign in with Steam ?
Posted 22 October, 2021.
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