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Опубликовано: 6 дек. 2024 г. в 0:42

this is the best marvel game i have played yet i enjoyed all the marvel spider man games i played marvel snap and i played through the lego marvels super hero games didn't play anything else but this is a lot of fun my favourite character in this game is Venom and he is probably the strongest character in this game i was able to easily take out other characters like hulk with venom. it adds a lot of teamwork to the game where if you use a certain character and other player uses a certain character then you get a special buff like if someone is spider man and there team mate is venom then spider man will gain a symbiote and the symbiote spike abilite. jeff and rocket can also sit on groots shoulder which i found great but overall this game is a lot of fun and if your a fan of marvel and team shooters this is the game for you!
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