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Reseñas recientes de Cipisek

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8.2 h registradas
This game is nothing. It has no noteworthy characters, shallow story, no gameplay, borderline no writing. The only thing it has going for it is pretty graphics which I guess was enough to warrant the very positive rating it has.

My main issue with this game is the gameplay, or more so lack of. Its an exploration game where all the places to explore have a single path you go on without engaging at all. You simply press a key in the direction you wanna go in and your character does all the jumping, vaulting, climbing.

There are no puzzles as everytime you come across anything you can interact with you just interact with it and thats it. The sailing gameplay would be decent as the boat has good weight to it, if it wasnt for the fact that its buggy and doesnt register you already pressed W to go forward. Also whenever using your telescope while sailing your boat stops, there is no momentum and its super annoying.

All in all this game is all about graphics, aslong as it can jingle those keys infront of you and you dont get bored for 8 or so hours you are good to go. If you are looking for any actual exploration or gameplay this is a hard pass.
Publicada el 26 de abril de 2023.
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A 3 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
38.8 h registradas
Publicada el 22 de noviembre de 2022.
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A 3 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
74.8 h registradas (45.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I am really mixed on the game as despite not recommending it I had fun with it, the parkour is a blast when it works and the environment (granted lacking variety for the most part) is interesting enough to keep me ingame for the 45 hours I had with the game. My main problems stem from the conflicting gameplay elements and story.

First of all the gameplay elements I dont like mostly boil down to the lack of zombie variety which extend into multiple areas of the game. The game encourages you to wait till night before going into the buildings as during the day there are volatiles inside. The problem is if you spend the day outside of the buildings and then go inside when the volatiles are not there you never actually engage with them, meaning for most of my playthrough unless I purposefully triggered a chase I never encoutered volatiles or many special zombies in the first place. This not only made the game bland because you mostly encounter 1 kind of zombie but also very easy, again unless you literally just do the opposite of what the game tells you and gimp yourself by going into the buildings during the day.

When inside the buildings the game first teaches you to try and use stealth and with the combination of the infected timer mechanic my first time inside a building was actually fun and tense, however after that I noticed you can very easily mow down all the zombies in the area without having to stealth at all making the timer pointless for the most part. Even if you somehow stayed inside the building for too long the game throws consumables at you that refill the whole timer once again making the whole mechanic meaningless. Zombie loot is also really unsatisfying, you are encouraged to loot all zombies you kill because they give you trophies you use to upgrade your gear but solid 60% of the time i looted a zombie I got nothing and it eventually led me to just not loot anything at all because not only I didnt need to because again the game is easy I also couldnt be bothered to get nothing more than half of the time.

The story is just a mess and yes Dying Light 1 did not have a stellar story either, thing is there it wasnt the selling point. Most of this games marketing revolved around the story and your choices and when that falls flat it feels that much worse. Dying Light 1 story was just a backdrop to the gameplay when here it is presented in the forefront. Side quests are just really boring and lifeless and the main story is full of inconsistencies and clearly rushed by the end.

All in all if you are simply looking for a fun parkour system this game is great, but to pay a full price just for that is just too much, the game does not have much else to offer that is a step up from the previous game.
Publicada el 26 de abril de 2022. Última edición: 26 de abril de 2022.
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309.7 h registradas (65.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
gut game my friend rages at me because i do no dmg
Publicada el 30 de noviembre de 2020.
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