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6 av 9 (67%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

Break The Glass 50 Times

Upplåst 9 mar @ 6:38

Break The Glass 200 Times

Upplåst 11 mar @ 5:11

Break The Glass 500 Times

Upplåst 11 mar @ 6:32

First Timer

play the game for the first time.
Upplåst 9 mar @ 6:18

You Get Used To It

Jump in the water.
Upplåst 9 mar @ 6:24

Still A Kid

Jump on the red balls 200 times.
Upplåst 9 mar @ 6:37

Put The Glass Where It Belongs

Finish the level.

Immortal Buddy

Finish the level on Hard or Impossible Mode

Easter Bunny

Find all easter eggs.