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Chi-chan 16 Aug, 2023 @ 7:18am 
He is the fastest sniper I've ever seen, and a sand eagle is equally shocking and amazing. Countless big earth has become one of the numbers in his dark sand eagle counter again and again. Even s1mple, a player of top1 in the world, and kennys, a well-known sniper, once said bluntly in an interview, "I can't engage in a firefight with him head-on. When I see him, my heart will tremble, and my mouse won't be able to catch it at all. If he comes to work professionally, I am willing to pull the gun line for him." The most impressive scene is that he used to play games while playing on the live broadcast, killing navi's whole team with one hand, but he was impotent.
Chi-chan 21 Feb, 2022 @ 11:30pm 
Gue anak 21, ga nyangka ternyata kuliah itu seburuk itu untuk mental health, semester 1 kemarin gue udah dihujanin materi sama tugas yang bener2 banyak, akibatnya waktu gue untuk healing sama self reward jadi kurang banget. Yang tadinya gw masih bisa nonton netflix sama chat2an sama bestie sekarang jadi susah banget. Gue kayaknya belum siap kuliah deh. Gue udh ngomong ke ortu kalau gue mau cuti dulu semester ini. Gw mau fokus healing selama 6 bulan ini. Tapi ortu gue malah ga setuju. Bahkan gue dibilang manja. Gue bingung mau gimana takutnya kalau paksain ipk ku malah tambah anjlok. Gue juga susah komunikasiin ini ke ortu karena mereka ga aware soal mental health kayak gue. Gue mesti gmn 😭
早上好 13 Sep, 2018 @ 2:21am 