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19.3 hrs on record
My brother recommended Lunacid to me directly after finishing Dark Souls 3.
Lunacid has presented me with some memorable experiences. Wonderful unique music at the right time. A play with lights and shadows that makes the game world feel both alive and like a dream-world built out of clay. Unique characters that quickly become likeable even after minimal interactions. A level design that's sometimes a bit stretchy, but for most levels offers a unique setting, mobs and mysteries for you to always have something to look forward to after each session. It truly feels like a dream now. And yes, 'I am in the know'.

The few things that broke my experience: Some levels are not detailled enough and you cannot navigate at all, even with waymarkers. I found that levelling the speed stat for me nearly nullified this dissatisfaction because I could just speed through the previously slow levels. Other than that, I need more lore and more details in the levels. There are so many cool ideas that could be revolutionary for the genre if executed correctly.

All in all, well done! I've really enjoyed playing Lunacid. I'm looking forward to the DLC(s).
Posted 20 November, 2024.
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37.8 hrs on record
The music is insanely good! The story could be better and the maps are little labyrinths, especially the cathedral. But all in all it felt very good to play. The endbosses are a little bit too strong in my opinion if you're playing with fast low-damage weapons.
Posted 30 May, 2024.
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