
RAILSSS の最近のレビュー

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Not sure what happened, but once I hit day 60 all my heroes and enemies just ran in place. Neither attacking each other. Guards patrolling stood still and workers did the same. If I started any kind of upgrades they progressed fine but I wasn't gaining any money from taxes. I decided to call it on day 62 since I couldn't find any way to fix this. Was a bummer that I couldn't play this demo to the maximum extent and completely dominate the map with my kingdom, killing everything in sight! Besides this, I like this game and will definitely get it when it comes out. To be clear, i'm definitely not upset that a demo for an unreleased game had a bug, it was a fun play through and I could have totally killed the devil lair or whatever it was killed, ending the demo. I just wanted to have something like 1000 heroes and an insane amount of gold.
投稿日 1月22日.
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Where the hell is the prequel or sequel to this title. Who do I have to fellate to get some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ story.
投稿日 1月6日. 最終更新日 1月6日
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総プレイ時間:46.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:35.0時間)
This is a great game with massive amounts of potential. The lore is really interesting, the art of the world is cool as ♥♥♥♥, and the gameplay is fun and challenging. Yeah, it's janky. But jank can be fixed, and I know from watching their Q&As and hanging around their discord that they're definitely prioritizing making the game run as smoothly as possible for everyone, stomping out bugs, and reworking certain mechanics players have mentioned. (Such as water, but honestly, get gud? it's EZ? be so fr. lol) If they were talking about adding some Auck Fss battlepass nonsense i'd tell you to run, but they're definitely focused on the right things. They have a lot of really cool stuff planned and you can tell they're actually playing the game and experiencing it the same as we are. They got a lot to prove in my opinion with their story behind this game and how it came to be. With that being said, I imagine when they play and see ♥♥♥♥ that shouldn't be happening, they're actually going to fix it. Not just because they've already said in their Q&As that they're going to fix it. But, because they actually want to have a good play through themselves, and give us a good game. I think it's fair to assume that if you can't handle the jank and you bail for a few months, that you'll come back to a game that makes you think, OH ♥♥♥♥. WHEN DID THEY DO THIS. THIS IS ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ SICK. Overall, I recommend this game. If you want to break your keyboard over your knee because you're getting less than 60fps at times, I say still buy it. It's thirthy bucks, and it's more than worth it. Especially when thinking about the longterm playability of the game.
投稿日 2024年10月18日.
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総プレイ時間:112.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:110.0時間)
I’ve bought 3 copies of this game for friends along with one for myself and regret it. Private bases ran by in game larpers that role play factories ruin the game. They steal and horde resources from public supplies and other players bases. They make ginormous bases on key plots of land and teamkill other players for trying to use them. They lockdown mines which spawn randomly every new war and dont let other players use them. They abuse the report system and mass report players they dont like so they can get them banned. They buy stolen accounts and keys so they can use alt accounts. They actively hold back the entire war effort by never participating in the war and taking resources away from players. Doubt devs will ever do anything about this, especially with them shifting their interests to anvil empires which will ultimately suffer the same plague of garbage larpers who hog and horde resources just to never use them for anything more than building stuff for aesthetics. I really don’t care what the community says. Theres no shot this game was designed with the intent to have players taking and building huge stockpiles of resources to keep for themselves and not actually use to support the war effort. That sounds incredibly dumb because it is. Resources are there to build and create supplies and tools to fight the war. Thats it. Devs need to make factories and bunkers in the backline in uncontested hexes not have friendly fire so players cant grief the entire war effort with their idiotic larp fantasy nonsense.
投稿日 2024年9月28日.
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Sandbox interactive got bought out by Stillfront Group in 2020 and the games been getting worse for solo players since. Awesome game if you love devs that hate solo players. They love their guild whales, and they make the game great for big guilds who throw their wallet at their screen constantly. Your ten or twenty dollars is a joke to them, just like your time. I've played this game more than enough to tell you its a wash. Your time and money is better spent elsewhere.
投稿日 2019年6月29日. 最終更新日 2024年9月28日
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