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13 av 47 (28%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

A Starfighter of Your Own

Acquired your first starfighter component.
Upplåst 23 dec, 2020 @ 10:52

Heavy Hitter

Dropped 50 bombs to damage Capital Ship hulls across multiple Ranked Fleet Battles.
Upplåst 24 dec, 2020 @ 11:46

Begin the Ceremony

Earned your first Award.
Upplåst 23 dec, 2020 @ 10:47

Stronger Together

Won any match while playing in a party.
Upplåst 23 dec, 2020 @ 10:47

Sound Strategy

Destroyed your first subsystem.
Upplåst 23 dec, 2020 @ 11:23


Destroyed an enemy while your hull integrity was 5% or lower.
Upplåst 23 dec, 2020 @ 15:38

Back From the Brink

Returned to the Hangar with less than 5% hull integrity.
Upplåst 23 dec, 2020 @ 12:22


Evaded or countered 5 lock-ons in a row during a single match.
Upplåst 23 dec, 2020 @ 11:25


Shot down 30 missiles, bombs, or mines in Ranked Fleet Battles.
Upplåst 29 dec, 2020 @ 12:00

Fracture at Fostar Haven

Completed the Prologue.
Upplåst 22 dec, 2020 @ 14:05


Won a Fleet Battles vs. AI match with both Capital Ships and your Flagship intact.
Upplåst 23 dec, 2020 @ 11:29

A Better Idea

Modified a starfighter's preset loadout in multiplayer.
Upplåst 22 dec, 2020 @ 14:42

A Promising Career

Reached Pilot Level 10.
Upplåst 24 dec, 2020 @ 12:43

The Galaxy's Finest (Story Mode)

Completed the campaign on Story Mode difficulty.

The Galaxy's Finest (Pilot)

Completed the campaign on Pilot difficulty.

The Galaxy's Finest (Veteran)

Completed the campaign on Veteran difficulty.

The Galaxy's Finest (Ace)

Completed the campaign on Ace difficulty.

Dressed for the Job You Want

Equipped your pilot with their first Legendary cosmetic.

Special Modifications

Acquired 50 components for your starfighters.

Victory for the New Republic

Won 10 Ranked Fleet Battles as the New Republic.

Victory for the Empire

Won 10 Ranked Fleet Battles as the Galactic Empire.

Found Your Place

Completed your Ranked placement matches.

I Have You Now

Won 15 Dogfight matches.

Stay on Target

Won 15 Co-op Fleet Battles vs. AI.

Stun 'Em

Disabled the same player five times in one match.

I Know a Few Maneuvers

Destroyed 10 starfighters while drifting in Dogfight.

Trigger Happy

Dealt more than 50,000 laser damage in a single match.

Squadron Hunter

Destroyed four of each starfighter class in Dogfight matches.

The Trap is Set

Damaged 5 enemies with Seeker Mines in a single match.

Shallow Grave

Used Tactical Shields or Supply Droids to rescue near-death allies 10 times in Ranked Fleet Battles.

Across the Stars

Won a Ranked Fleet Battles match on every map.

Got 'Em

Destroyed a disabled starfighter 10 times across multiple Dogfight matches.

Mission Accomplished

Earned all Medals in a Story mission.

Fully Decorated

Earned all Story Medals on any difficulty.

Combat Pilot

Destroyed 50 starfighters in Dogfight matches.

Unstoppable Ace

Destroyed 250 starfighters in Dogfight matches.

Ultimate Weapon

Destroyed 1000 starfighters in Dogfight matches.

Seasoned Star Pilot

Reached Pilot Level 40.

Great Shot, Kid

Dealt the final blow to the enemy's flagship in a Fleet Battle.

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