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Idle-Empire | Varde 8 Nov, 2015 @ 3:46am 
Player is not available to trade. More information will be shown to Player if they invite you to trade."
We can not deliver your order at {LINK REMOVED} as you can't trade, please add us to solve the problem. You can also write in our ....
Idle-Empire | Varde 19 Oct, 2015 @ 1:24am 
"This Trade URL is no longer valid for sending a trade offer to this user" The Trade URL you entered when making your purchase at {LINK REMOVED} is not valid anymore, please add me or post your new Trade URL in our .
Idle-Empire | Varde 3 Oct, 2015 @ 10:12am 
"Player is not available to trade. More information will be shown to Player if they invite you to trade."
We can not deliver your order at {LINK REMOVED} as you can't trade, please add us to solve the problem. You can also write in our