The Suspect
Mehr Kohle im Kopf als meine Shisha.
1NS4NE 21 maja 2016 o 6:02 
IssacDeSnuts 20 marca 2016 o 4:46 
VAC ban? srsly? Noo...
Nobber 13 marca 2016 o 7:32 
IssacDeSnuts 12 marca 2016 o 9:26 
He has the best headphones ever, because he can hear us breathing ;)
IssacDeSnuts 12 marca 2016 o 9:25 
The best thing is that he is deleting my comments, lol
IssacDeSnuts 12 marca 2016 o 9:24 
but i guess u wrote that because u sucks and you are happy that some cheater has carried u