✪ Alloosh Lamborouge
Aloosh   Egypt
Does strength represent JUSTICE if powerlessness is a CRIME.?
"Lelouch Lamborouge"

Age: 22
Civil Engineering
Anime Luva
Can't play without friends
In love of games like Assassin's creed, DmC
God of War
etc :steamhappy: :steammocking:
One lesson i got from this life : Do never jump OCEANS for those who wouldn't jump PUDDLES for you
for just like u should be fair towards them u should be fair towards urself :steamfacepalm::steamsad: Thx

be FREE to comment whatever u like `bout me .. oh and HATERS GO SUCK A DEEK AND A BANANA CUZ THAT`S ALL WHAT U ARE :steammocking::steammocking:

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