
Neil Degrasse Tyson 最近的评测

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有 2 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 148.1 小时 (评测时 145.1 小时)
This game will capture your imagination and intrigue for the first 40 hours. Then you'll be looking up guides on Youtube to learn how to properly get yourself started, because this game; in an attempt to make you feel like you can do whatever you want, actually restricts your options to one. Mining. If you buy this game, be prepared to grind for literally everything you wish to accomplish, and when I say grind, I mean GRIND. The simple fact of the matter is, if you wish to truly experience any of the three major aspects of this game, combat, trading, and exploration; you first need to spend the plethora of hours necessary to acquire the credits to afford yourself the proper ships and equipment to do so. Once you obtain hundreds of millions of credits necessary by spending 40 hours mining void opals, you will then spend 60 hours grinding for materials to engineer those ships to be good enough to actually say; explore the deep parts of uncivilized space. These time-frames for what kind of a grind this game presents you are WITH these guides taken into account. Guides that show you how to logout and exit the game and relaunch it and login so that the resources your farming respawn in the node your exploiting. If you want to actually play the game properly and go out and farm the necessary resources the way the game intends you are looking at far, far more time on your hands grinding. The missions in this game are practically worthless. There is no reason to bounty hunt or ship trade goods to another station, or go scan a nav beacon and bring back the data, because the rewards offered for such content are garbage. Much of this games content is flat and stale, it's all there and available to you always yes. However if you spend 1,000 hours playing missions you'll be about as wealthy as I was in 40 hours of grinding a single resource in asteroid fields. So pick your poison, you can either wear this game out in one of two ways, monotonous grinding, or aimless, empty gameplay. Eventually though, you'll reach the same end. A simple fix for the developers would be to reduce the horrendous grind even when exploiting ridiculous things like exiting the game and relaunching it over and over and over to reduce that from thousands of hours to hundreds of hours of grinding; and to make your missions worth doing. Some of them are fun, and well done, however there is next to no reason aside from reputation gains to do them.
发布于 2021 年 3 月 2 日。
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有 7 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 244.0 小时 (评测时 62.1 小时)
Dated graphics but fantastic combat system for an MMORPG, something I've always been looking for that others never offered. Similar to Black Desert combat system, and although there is VIP subscriptions and expansions offered by DDO they are nothing like Black Desert's pay to win approach. It is far less demanding in DDO and even without a single expansion pack you will easily find hundreds of hours of content to explore and enjoy in such a full and awesome story as DnD
发布于 2020 年 8 月 16 日。
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1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 129.0 小时 (评测时 52.6 小时)
Plenty of glaring problems with Reach, Halo CE, and Halo 2 anniversary. So far it's just a badly ported xbox game, with certain core features I've noticed changed for the worse. Plenty of others have mentioned the varying bugs and feature changes, but to beat a dead horse one of the most interesting choices they made was halo 2's lack of respawning in coop campaign on legendary difficulty. Should just leave the games as they were, and focus more on the terrible controls and hit registry. Instead the flounder with nonsense. Wouldn't recommend until every game is released and you see for yourself what they have(n't) accomplished.
发布于 2020 年 5 月 19 日。
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