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Visa global prestationsstatistik
Du måste vara inloggad för att kunna jämföra denna statistik med din egen
16 av 16 (100%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer


Your account has reached more than 1$ million.
Upplåst 11 aug, 2019 @ 12:35


There is more than $5 million in your account.
Upplåst 11 aug, 2019 @ 12:35

Pots of Gold

Your wealth has surpassed $10 million.
Upplåst 11 aug, 2019 @ 12:35

Out of Debt

You paid back the entire bank loan.
Upplåst 11 aug, 2019 @ 12:36

Mobile Farmer

You have covered more than 100 mi with vehicles.
Upplåst 14 aug, 2019 @ 3:00

Very Frequent Driver

Your total driving distance has increased to over 1000 mi.
Upplåst 26 sep, 2021 @ 11:55


Your playing time in a single savegame has reached over 10 hours.
Upplåst 12 aug, 2019 @ 16:59

Fruits of Your Labor

You have harvested more than 10 hectares.
Upplåst 26 sep, 2021 @ 11:55

Harvest King

You have harvested more than 100 hectares.
Upplåst 26 sep, 2021 @ 11:55


You have sown more than 10 hectares.
Upplåst 26 sep, 2021 @ 11:55

Mass Production

The total area sown by you exceeds 100 hectares.
Upplåst 26 sep, 2021 @ 11:55

Something Shiny

You have found 25 gold coins.
Upplåst 14 aug, 2019 @ 2:54

Coins on the Streets

You have found 50 gold coins.
Upplåst 14 aug, 2019 @ 3:10


You have found all 100 gold coins.
Upplåst 14 aug, 2019 @ 14:47

Mission Master

You have completed 50 missions.
Upplåst 26 sep, 2021 @ 11:55

Financial Folly

You managed to reach a negative balance on your very first day.
Upplåst 26 sep, 2021 @ 11:55