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57 Hours played
Wait for a SALE, it's just a season 2 for Hitman 2016, what they promised when they released 2016 hitman game, but then decided to cash in some more on same game.

Tried out the new multiplayer, idea is awesome, action based, rushes you. But a little bit weird, since you see the other player wha the does, and sometimes you can see the other player strangle thin air, so you need to guess if that was the target or not.

MP + and -
+ Interesting innovation for hitman series.
- Not fully tought trough, seems rushed out.
+ Fun to race to the targets, and when in sync you actually feel the need to kill the target first, so it's quite competitive.
- My oponent left after I killed 1st target, and I got loading screen and another 5 minutes of matchmaking
- Long matchmaking + Leavers + loading screens make it not that appealing to play
- Lack of reward, I spent 6 minutes in total loading screen + matching, and then after 2 targets oponent leaves, and I didn't get any rewards for it.
+ If patched up with some cool rewards or skins, or mods for weapons it would be really fun to play.

Overall great idea, bad execution. I hope they change how multiplayer works and add some rewards. Otherwise it's only good for challenging friends.

Havent played much yet, so will update.

First mission feels like Hitman 2016, nothing new so far, small map, even for a tutorial map.

- Animations feel cheezy
- Glass is always buletproof no matter how much you shoot at it.
- UI - Hitman 2016 with a small expansion added on it
- Always online
- No gore
- No weapon customization
- Original key mapping is weird for PC
- Still can go trough NPCs
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StepBro 1 Mar, 2021 @ 4:32pm 
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