Neku Sakuraba   United States
Alright, Hello.
Neku here
Current hobbies: Gaming, Manga, Anime, Korean Dramas, Novel Writing, Surveys, and other such Neku things.

Guilty Gear (Anything in the fighting Genre really.)
Endless Legend (Anything in the strategy genre really.)
Stepmania (Anything that doesn't require me to move my feet really.)
Assassin Creed (Anything that ubisoft craps out these days really.)
Grand Theft Auto series (Anything in the shooting genre really.)
You know what... just check my damn steam, that's a good number of them.

It would take way too long to list all that crap... so i'll just post the games that I play most often.

Writing a Novel and all that.

Japanese (Saying barely is a damn stretch.)

Console Users:
Xbox 360/Xbox One/Whatever Xbox is out now: Don't have one.
Playstation3/4/5: Don't have one.
Wii U: It's a pain to look it up.
Discord: deadneku

Quote - Cogito Ergo Sum

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Bình luận
美女威信桐城扫码月抛 25 Thg02 @ 1:38am 
闺蜜无聊 有没有出来玩的
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Hwicyk 22 Thg04, 2019 @ 8:29am 
UberWafflerRetro 11 Thg03, 2016 @ 12:34am 
┣▇▇▇═── ᕦ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )ᕤ
Elix 24 Thg12, 2015 @ 6:13am 