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1,227.4 hrs on record (1,130.0 hrs at review time)
CS2 ruined CSGO
Posted 26 October, 2024. Last edited 26 October, 2024.
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189.8 hrs on record (80.2 hrs at review time)
Posted 21 May, 2023.
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197.0 hrs on record (15.4 hrs at review time)
Posted 6 July, 2020. Last edited 28 November, 2020.
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885.6 hrs on record (487.8 hrs at review time)
Is this THE game ?

What should I say? This game has it... almost all, and I think it is here to stick for a while. Can it take down the overlords and become the new e-sports king? Well maybe, there are things here and there that I believe it needs to adress, but why don't we look at them.

The Basics
To start things of, what is this game about? It's a 5v5 PvP multiplayer FPS, where player takes role on one of two teams: Attackers, or Defenders. Each player will choose one unique character (they are callend operators here), which he'll be playing for the duration of a round. Each character has it's own unique gadget. Rounds are won either by killing an enemy team, running the clock down or completing the obj (being it bom defusal, hostage rescue or securing and area).

Stars of the show

Now that we know what this game is about let's get into more details. I would like to talk more about the operators. There are more than 50 operators right now in the game, with more expected to arrive. They come to R6 from real CTU across the world (SAS, GSG9, GIGN, FBI SWAT, SPETNAZ...), and you start with the OG 20 already (Standart edition). You can obtain rest of them by simply playing the game (this gives you ingame currency - renown) or giving Ubi more real money. Like in most of other games, these operators range from bad and useless you never see to great and OP that apear in pretty much every round.

Speaking about that, every once in a while, Ubi seems to forget what balance is, and they release stupidly good/bad ops that need lot of tweaks months after release (not looking at you, Lion). This can cause you lot of rage and frustration, so be prepared. Also, giving the number of ops with more to come, this game has been dealing with both reverse and normal powercreep, which is a bit of a shame.

Guns and maps

The gunplay in this game is...different I would say. There is 1HKO on HS, which is great for consistency reasons (no more damage given: 98 in 1 hit because I have M4), but this also defines the way for guns: the higher RoF, the better, since you have more chances to hit the HS. This boosts pickrates for couple of OPs that have such guns, albeit their gadget might not be as good for the team. Guns have always been problem in R6, and they always will be. For veterans of CoD4 I have a good massage: leaning is here. Which results in another great issue: players who tend to just agressively quickpeek an angle are often more rewarded than a player who patiently keeps holding it. It's better than it was before, but moment where you got HS while you didn't even see the person are still very much here... and they are rageful.

Where does this take place? On the maps ofcourse. Maps in ranked map pool are IMO fairly balanced now, the rest is not worth to mention, because it's mostly trash. Ubi set the course toward reworking rather than making news maps, so we might see more good maps taking place in ranked map pool. One BIG problem I see is the lack of ability to choose what map I wanna play. I mean, come on Ubi, I spent in this game more money than in any other, LET ME PLEASE CHOOSE WHAT MAP I WANT TO PLAY.

Spawnpeek.mp4 has left the game

Now comes the time to talk about the game community. And I'd like to say it's great, but all I can say is above average, maybe good. Don't get me wrong, we have YTbers, and streamers, and Invitational with crazy prize pool, but aside of that the in game community that YOU will encounter 90% times is not great. Toxicity (and I'm sometimes a part of this problem, which I'm deeply sorry), TK, no communication untill you get to at least low platinum rank... Hackers, glitch abusers. Devs are trying the best they can, they really are, but sometimes even they are deaf to what community and the pros say.

While I'm talking about devs, I'd like to say that R6 is game build on very, very crappy engine. And each and every, EVERY patch, season, update, there is new wave of bugs and glitches and most importantly – people who abuse this stuff. That is now health for the game at all.

Worth the effort?

So, is this game worth your money, time and effort. Even though it may sound like I hate this game to hell and back, I'm saying... YES, it absolutely is. Because through the frustration of casual day, this game is one of the most rewarding to play when you achieve the victory. I've played a lot of games, but none of them gave me the feeling like R6, when we clutch from 0-3 to 5-4 in OT. Besides, if you get better, the frustration is not as big.

If you have friends to play with, or you can make some real quick, this game will be a blast for you. If you don't, well then prepare for a lot of rage over randoms and hours of pain trying to soloq to normal ranks.

Final rating: 8/10

Thank you very much if you have read this far, and GL HF
Posted 19 March, 2020. Last edited 3 June, 2022.
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39.3 hrs on record (38.0 hrs at review time)
S Batmanem v léčebně

Když jsem krabičcku s touto hrou dostal, byl jsem poněkud zklamaný protože v té době jsem holdoval hrám jako Call of Duty a Battlefield. Když jsem se tedy asi po roce dostal s kurzorem myši na tlačítko hrát, byl jsem plný očekávání. A ta se vyplnila. Joker, klaustrofobický pocit sanatoria na ostrově a kopa akce s cutscénami vás nenechá klidnými do konce hry. U hry jsem nakonec strávil 40 hodin a dvakrát jsem ji za tento čas dohrál. Pokud by vám už podlemě už tak dost dlouhá linka hlavní nestačila, máte k dispozici i výzvy jako sbírání trofejí, systematické vyvražďování a nebo rvačku na ulici s dětství.
Bojový systém a hra obecně
K příběhu snad nelze moct říct, chytili jste Jokera, ten vám utek a vy ho musíte po celém území léčebny chytat. Jokerovi v tom pomáhají znamí padouši jako Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn a Scarecrow. Ze začátku hry vás hra víceméně tahá za ručičku, ale s postupujícím časem vám na výběr 2 možnosti: buďto můžete na nepřátele se vší galancí naběhnout, anebo se systematicky schovávat ve ventkách, pohupovat se na chrličích a nepřátele jednoho po jednom odrovnávat. Já osobně jsem se vždy víc přikláněl té druhé variantě (pokud to šlo) a na nejvyšší obtížnost je stealth na některých místech (zvláště proti bojovníkům s palnými zbraněmi ) nutností, někdy i povinností za splněním úkolu. Když dojde na boj, máte kdyspozici nejrůznějčí komba a doražení, stejně jako nejrůznější pomůcky (batarang, batclaw, explosive gel...). Hodně vám pomáhá i Detective vision (defaultně na x) díky které vidíte interaktivní objekty a nepřátele a ana kterou jsem si odpočátku zvyknul. Ovládání je příjemné, stačí vědět že většina pohybů je na spaceu. Někdy ovšem trochu zlobí akrobatika a plachtění.
HW nároky a zhodnocení
HW nároky této hry se mi nezdají velké, ostatně se podívejte sami do popisu v obchodě. Já sám jsem to dohrál na nějakém Pentiu 4, GeForce ani nevím jaká to byla ale byla fakt stará na nejvyšší detaily, takže i se starým počítačem byste si hru mohli zahrát tak aby se na to dalo dívat. A pokud nenatáčíte na YouTube tak vám něco okolo 45 FPS (na lepších PC samozřejmě víc) úplně postačí.
Co na závěr? Tato hra se mi zdá víc než dobrá a přemýšlel jsem že jím dám 10/10. Nakonec jsem přeci jen našel pár drobností. Hra je plně anglická což by ještě nebyl takový problém (#Češtiny ke stáhnutí) ale spoléhá především na to, že hráč zná dobře všechny postavy, takže hráč bez trošky znalostí se ve hře od počátku nechytne a bude i přes životopisy postav které lze sbírat během hry podlemě těžko dohánět. Také obtížnost bojovníků bez střelných zbraní je vyřešena jejich počtem. Ale myslím že i tak se jedná o velmi dobrý titul. Na steamu stojí 19,99 euro, takže až budou slevy, koupí této hry určitě neprohloupíte a myslím že se budete dobře bavit.
Hodnocení: 9/10
PS: Tohle byla moje první recenze, takže se omlouvám za překlepy, gramatické chyby a nedodělky. Gl Hf
Posted 19 January, 2017. Last edited 2 October, 2024.
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