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Senaste recensioner av TTVTheRandomGuyGaming

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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
16.4 timmar totalt (10.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
*Look at the time, it's 5 am* Wait wasn't it 23h ? joke a side, this game make me go way back on games on miniclip, y8 or kongregate, and it's so fing good, I recommend it ( The Demo doesn't show everything in the upgrades, there's more in game )
Upplagd 13 september 2024. Senast ändrad 17 september 2024.
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3 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
9.8 timmar totalt (0.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
It's Warcraft + Starcraft + Wish = Plastic fill of micro transaction, free sure, paying 10-20$ for every single thing ?

(EDIT) : I still gave it a chance and played coop a few hours, tried also 1v1 with bot, not being able to play other race in COOP and you need to pay to play them, I won't change my review lol
Upplagd 15 augusti 2024. Senast ändrad 16 augusti 2024.
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111.7 timmar totalt (101.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
If I can kill a cute pokemon ''Pal'' with a bat and then push it off the cliff, it's a good game
Upplagd 5 februari 2024.
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601.0 timmar totalt (385.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Just good
Upplagd 1 februari 2024.
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4 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1,026.7 timmar totalt (747.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
For anyone who dislike the game complaining about their machine gun boat not one shot a wood boat, it's the point of at least giving a chance to low age to still defend their self, I've been reading review and most of the people who give complain most of the time are only bad and don't understand how strategy games work and how they balance to give a chance to everyone, yes wall are clunky, but easy to fix, games are long, but it doesn't take 2 hours to attack someone with a good resources management, no it's not a pay 2 win, each country have their good and bad part, you can unlock any country for free if you play a decent amount of games, the game is fun and it's easy to doing match after match, 1 game is between 30 minutes to max 1h30 minutes depending on rush and wonder, no you don't win with wonder in 25 minutes, the wonder take longer depending on the time you build it ( which is why a game can take 1h15+ ) I do highly recommend this game but to play with friends, there's a couple trolls who love to build on top of you and take your resources, playing with your friends prevent that, over all it's a good game even if people complain because they're just not good at the game or just play 10 hours and don't even bother, play the sandbox and learn more about the game before complaining
Upplagd 14 mars 2023.
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28 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
32.0 timmar totalt
Early Access-recension
Super people 1, Crafting, a lot of passive abilities ( 9 ) for all classes and different bonuses, making everything super fun and interesting
Super people 2, Remove everything you had in the 1 and just leave a few ♥♥♥♥♥♥ abilities ( 3 )

I would had recommended the game if it was still like the 1, now I wouldn't, bring back the 1 please, this feel like 0.5 more then anything
Upplagd 14 december 2022.
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355.2 timmar totalt (268.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I really want to enjoy the game, I really do, I want to play, attack people and enjoy the game, but I just can't, this should have the tag of ''gatcha game'' with the amount of gamble you have with what bug you will have the next time you open the game, from someone that played on fb back in the days, I would say don't bother putting any money until the game is 100% fixed, until then, either you gain no points when you attack someone or your game crash every 5-10 minutes
Upplagd 17 oktober 2022.
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0.9 timmar totalt
It's a pretty good short game, can't wait for them to add more stuff, sadly only take 30 min to max an hour to complete the whole thing if you know what ur doing
Upplagd 16 februari 2022.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
39.8 timmar totalt (36.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Played it with friends, played it solo, beat normal and nightmare, had fun, redo the game to kill time, realise I played too much, but still playing, tbh, good game, not hard if you know how to prepare ur self
Upplagd 2 februari 2022.
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6 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
665.7 timmar totalt (278.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
This top part is an edit for people wondering why the game got so many down votes, The game past 60 is still dead, (Talking about everything block by DLC) without saying that no one will let you in raid groups / pvp for cities if you ain't lvl 65, you also can't have a mount, part of the map is blocked, even old part of the map if they get reword you won't be allowed into them, like their video said, all new feature that they add you need to pay for the dlc, if you don't you get nothing at all making old and new players don't want to play the game, sure they're bringing the game to console to make the game popular, but pitching it to them like it's a brand new game, paying an audience to cheer on the video that you show case it while there's literally nothing new in it ? The new version on console it's to get more funds for their new game, they will not ever add something new for players that doesn't pay for the DLC, the game is not 54 CAD ( 39.41 USD ) it's 95 CAD ( 69.26 USD ) because you don't have a choice to buy the DLC to properly play the game

So after playing this game a lot, getting lvl 60 and checking what you need to get ur 600 gear score, I will say, Game to lvl 1 to 45 really fun, 45 to 60 it's meh, waste of time if your on a dead server, 500 gear score to 600, in server with not a lot of people you can forget it, without talking about the hundreds of hours you need to put to be able to get there, don't bother just buy stuff out of the market. I don't recommend this game at all until you have a solid group of friend who have WAAAYYY too much time in ur hands and that will not quit the game, end game is not possible solo

Also, forgot to say, the bugs that can happen on this game are really bad let me give you exemple

1: You walk in the forest, you don't see anything infront of you and you just keep going, suddenly your stuck against an invisible wall, you are now stuck in a trunk of a tree and need to use the unstuck command (Fix)

2: if you play for too long or do multiple dg your chat and vc will stop working and you will need to restart the game (Fix)

3: You try to sell something on the market, you have obviously enough item to sell, but since the items are in 2 different stack, the game will try to sell the lower stack first so you will keep getting the prompt of '' Not enough of this item ''

4: By doing a couple of breach and quest, your hud will eventually break making quest appear on top of each other on ur screen making everything stacked and you won't be able to read (fix)

5: At certain place of the map you can see the texture not well done and you will literally see lines on the ground splitting the texture in 2 ( Doesn't affect the game play )

6: Sometimes while using spell you will either teleport on the other side of the enemy like you missed them/ went through them even if you were dead on ( Saw it multiple time with the great axe charge and when using the shield hit ability )

7: Anyway that's already a couple and there's way many more I won't spend the whole day on it
Upplagd 27 januari 2022. Senast ändrad 13 juni 2024.
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