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220.6 hrs on record (154.9 hrs at review time)
Have a nice cup of Liber-tea!
Posted 18 March, 2024.
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49.5 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I pray to all of those who laid down their lives in Fallujah are resting peacefully, and for the health and welfare of their families.
We are grateful to you and your sacrifice, and will never come to understand the horrors you have faced as soldiers in Fallujah.
May your stories be honored through this game.
This game displays the horrors of cqb incredibly well.

Best hardcore tactical FPS experience i've ever had! 10/10

First four hours: Game decided I would be best as breacher. Proceeds to give me shotgun role for two hours of the game lolol.
First several attempts were a harsh learning curve, but my teammates and I kept reading the loading quotes from the marines, and after about 12 failures we had finally achieved success.
All of the missions we played were rough, but this one was the cherry on top. As soon as we hopped out of the AAV at mission start, we walked forwards about a couple of in game paces when suddenly a mortar whacked all of us in one hit. We were so surprised by that hit and so were our characters. All our our screens went black and we failed the mission.
The M249 is amazing in CQB. I pushed a room and suppressed the hell out of the doorways so that my teammates and I could get inside and do the objective. Unfortunately it has no flashlight on it, so that was where I was right on the breachers rear to spray down any other insurgents. Any hole in the wall i could shoot through, I did. Be mindful of those flashlights, they can see them too.
The sound quality is amazing. You automatically use in game voice chat and can see the players mouth move for added realism. Sound reverberates in enclosed spaces just like it does irl, and you can also get tinnitus in game from a close proximity explosion, so with all of the sound combinations you really feel immersed in Fallujah. Don't forget that all of this is happening all around you in game whilst insurgents are shooting and shouting from everywhere. Additionally, you can radio your buddies if or when you split off from the rest of your fireteam.

Posted 23 June, 2023.
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26.1 hrs on record (9.9 hrs at review time)
*I know I'm saying no to this game, but it is fun and I do recommend it. If you don't want your blood to boil like mine, then don't play nightmare mode. *

Before I go ahead and get into why I don't recommend this, I do have to say that the game is fun with friends.

We spent all night(irl) going out for supply runs, dealing with hordes of zombies in nightmare mode, getting infected dozens of times, and getting into some really close situations. With three players you can have a real vehicle convoy and mass collect resources. Getting supplies is much faster, safer and the snowball effect continues. Plenty of new items, weapons, cars, food, etc. Zombies got realistic in encircling the player and really making them a threat. I have to dodge them, and run around, or get into a car and plow into them. Some of these things made me really laugh and joke around, and enjoy the game. The base building mechanics have been improved from the first game. Rucksacks that you find with ammo, food, meds, gas, or building materials can be used to make a crap ton of resources if you break them down in the storage menu.

Here is where I start to digress.
I'm not even going to talk about the tethering, and colour coded loot boxes, or anything else like that.

I was playing in Nightmare mode, so of course i can expect to run into more zombies, find less gear, overcome the game's challenges' and take more damage, but that was not the issue for me.... at all. First, what made me get real triggered was the zombie spawning refresh rate/ mechanics, which seemed a little funny. I had killed off a lot or all of the zombies in my desired loot area and so I can search in peace. A few more came in, big deal, just killed them and continued looting. I made some noise from quick searching and a few more came in crashing through the window. Again I just proceeded to kill some stragglers. Once I was finished looting and the coast was clear. I turned my car onto the grass for a shortcut and three bloaters spawned right in front of me whilst I was accelerating, and got bombarded by blood plague gas. I panicked and got out of the car, and another zombie came up behind me and grabbed me and I was marinating in blood plague gas whilst getting clobbered by a zed. I essentially got wrecked by game coding. I was able to get the car back to base, but my character went missing since he turned and I lost some good gear. Minor setback, but the base is still doing well. Just lost a survivor. It happens, and it's just a game.
Flash forward to the base. I'm turning the corner after unloading the loot, and a bloater spawns in my way again, and it's too late to avoid him. Before I say what happens next, the area is clear of zombies. Sure, the town isn't 100% secure but there's absolutely no zombies near my base. I make one sound ramming into the gate to get into my base and cure myself ,and a whole horde spawns outside my base and infects everyone.

I don't know man. Sometimes I feel like the game screws me over which..... makes sense in nightmare mode. Undead vs living. No fatigue vs fatigue.

Anyone else get mad sometimes? What's the worst zombie encounter you've had?
Posted 21 February, 2021. Last edited 21 February, 2021.
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