First Riven
Morgan   United States
Solo/Flex Diamond Kassadin Main
Masters 1v1 & 4v4 Zerg SCII LotV
Lurk + Viego/Morde Main in LoR/Diamond IV @ hibernation | playing PoC

Overlord enthusiast and Pope Neia Fan
Rewatching Overlord and rereading light novels from 12-14 every few months

I play Blue Archive in Global w/ Mika main
Big Haruka and Saori fan
Timestamp (not my clip) is of me in Season 9 playing in mid-Plat SoloQ

Rank 45 Kassadin in NA Peak @ Diamond IV 70% wr S11 with jg duo; Masters TFT peak Set 11
I also play Sion and ChoGath top at Diamond+ level

Former E7 Scarlet/Argonauts co-leader w/my friends
Arena Champion II peak | S2 60% wr RTA Challenger I S4 70% wr Masters RTA after months of afk

S9/10 Plat II Apex premade (3/3)
Revenant main
1月1日 に最後にプレイ
2024年12月25日 に最後にプレイ
2024年12月25日 に最後にプレイ