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2 people found this review helpful
58.1 hrs on record (57.0 hrs at review time)
This game is a masterpiece but steam reloads my corrupted saves from 2020.

I played the whole day and my saves disappeared from the folder. The game crashes at startup because of the downloaded corrupt saves downloaded from the steam cloud (it automatically does this, even after i disabed steam cloud for this game being aware of this problem).

Saves your parties into different slots in the game and manually copy the saves folder into your drive just in case !
Posted 6 October, 2024. Last edited 6 October, 2024.
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4.8 hrs on record
Ce jeu a tout pour être un très bon jeu, le problème c'est que j'ai toujours eu énormément de mal à savoir où aller et quoi faire, car le monde est ouvert et il n'y a pas d'assistance (style boussole en dessus du perso ou autre...).

Du coup j'ai lâché assez vite ce jeu, que j'étais prêt à finir.
Posted 15 September, 2024.
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47.7 hrs on record (33.8 hrs at review time)
When I was a teenager I read all the manga up to Cell and saw all the anime. I played the first episode available on PSX and also an episode on super nintendo.

I didn't think this game would be so immersive.

It's not just a fighting game, it's an episode that lets you relive the story by playing as the characters in several open worlds.

As well as being beautiful, the game is immersive, the characters are very engaging, the combat is interesting, the Japanese voice acting is top-notch, and the music is so good that playing this game gives you the impression of undergoing relaxing therapy as you wander through the game and follow the story (completely redone, I can't imagine how long it took to redo the story with these graphics).

Very, very impressive
What's more, if you don't know the series, you can discover it without seeing all the anime.

There are also some really interesting bonuses to unlock linked to the story, which is really great.
Posted 4 September, 2024. Last edited 4 September, 2024.
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0.2 hrs on record
Baldurs Gate 1 and Baldurs Gate 2 are legendary games.
Posted 11 December, 2022.
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343.1 hrs on record (236.5 hrs at review time)
One of the best.
Posted 19 January, 2020.
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5.8 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
This is one of the the best 3d platform games I have ever played in 20years of 3d gaming (except maybe for the new Crash Bandicoot and Ratchet games).

But It is too bad there is no ultra wide screen option and that we still need to use a "hack" to get it working on these (flawless widescreen).
Ultra wide view just makes the games more playable.

Assuming this hack exists i recommend this game, otherwise I would not.
Posted 29 November, 2019. Last edited 2 December, 2019.
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26.0 hrs on record (0.5 hrs at review time)
3440 x 1440 res. is supported natively : JUST PERFECT !
Thank you SEGA for providing us with good games working at the correct resolution for my monitor (otherwise I would not buy it anyway...).

If each episod has WideScreen support, I will just buy the whole serie !

(100FPS and Ultra setting SSAA disabled(by default) on stock GTX1080/stock Xeon X5650 at 3440x1440)
Posted 11 September, 2019. Last edited 11 September, 2019.
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5.8 hrs on record
Even in v6.2 the game seems really incomplete and bugged after all these years !

When you start a new game you define a base character and a base class, after that you have to complete more than 10 quests to unlock the lvl 10.

During the lvl 6 quest you are supposed to find a NPC, but it is difficult to know if the NPC is inside or outsode the ruins according to the map because it points OUTSIDE the ruins when the NPC is in fact INSIDE the ruins...So if you miss the NPC hidden at the entrance by getting tired of playing, so you will very likely just go in circles again and again and you will very likely end up by exploring the whole ruins using some "Luna coins" to enter a door without any real explanations from the game, espcially about the importance of these LUNA COINS !


So after this point, I realized with the help of another player that using the coins given for free by NCSOFT was a very bad idea (because it was opening for a LIMITED NUMBER OF TIMES the main door of this specific quest !).

Without explanations of another player I would have been looking for the NPC for days ! (The NPC was hidden behind some skates of woods !) : After this exhausting step I ended up unable to pass to continue and I did not even know if i was able to reset the quest manually because the menus were so light and the letters so little on my 3440x1440 screen that it was almost unreadable.

The only possibility to get out of this messy situations blocking my game was to explore the Luna shop to buy some LUNA coins (PAY 2 WIN swindle enabled !) and to finally use the newly purchased coins to enter the door and pass the step of the quest to get through !

A very bad level design at the service of an online shop !

Too bad for you NCSoft : I will not be manipulated by your dishonest game design leading the discouraged people right into your shop, in fact I will rather tell this story to anyone and give a negative vote to your game.:D

I note it negatively because of the dishonest level design that can block you in the game without any explanations(!).
Because of the menus that are bad with tiny letters,
Because of the lack of classes compared to Lineage 2.
Because of the only 2 races (compared to Lineage 2, incidentally L2 is not actually playable because of the "new" drop rates).
Because it stole my precious time by blocking my evolution in the game on purpose !.
Because of the ugly graphics (the floor is still flat 2 decades after Lineage2, lol !).
Because NCSoft make their games too difficult boring and not enjoying for free players.



Bonus : a short story about another game made by this company.
When Lineage2 became officially F2P it became in fact completely unplayable because of the drop rates, you would need to kill 100 000 enemies to get able to craft a newbiz weapon, that needs 5000 items that can only be collected by using a specific dwarf class at (nowadays) 1% rate, so you would need to kill something like 500 000 enemies.... to get this newbiz weapon) and when you will eventually reach higher levels (eventually if you are fool engouh to play this game with that drop/collect rate of 1% (and ~0% drop rate with other classes)) you will have to play without any weapon according to your current level.
In fact, you will never be able to discover the real game, with subclasses, A Grade stuff, S Grade stuff, wars for castles... because of this new business model).

Just move on, Lineage 2 is not worth playing either.

So you should completely avoid the games made by this company, because one day they will end up by completely ruining the gameplay to impose micro transactions that are paid by autists people without any social life when they will have enough fool people ready to Pay2Win. They will ruin the rates of the game as they did in Lineage2 and force people to pay in the game if they want to continue to evolve their characters.

I DEFINITELLY UNINSTALLED THE GAME AFTER 5h50min and I will never play a NCSoft game anymore.
Posted 19 January, 2019. Last edited 11 September, 2019.
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18.3 hrs on record
The difficulty of the game is just unbalanced (it is a lot too easy).

It could seem fair to play on Expert level to get some pleasure playing the game during regular fights, the problem is the bosses are too powerful on the first approach when you play on that level, so it almost forces you to farm random mobs that will be too easy to kill, by doing so it will finally blocks your evolution. You basically end up spending your time trying to become powerful enough to fight the bosses by killing no brainer enemies that will be too easy even on expert difficulty level.

The fights are less interesting compared to the first episod (no pets),

The graphics were more charming in the first episod, it looked more like an anime.
For example I still can remember a lot of the first episod parts, the charming cities, the monsters, the pets etc...

I stopped to play the game because of the lack of interesting challenge after the first bosses.
I feel disgusted about this experience, it is a waste of talent, the dev and the designers deserved more.

And what about the "President of the United States" as a main character ?
You needed more inspiration, it is shame at this level !

Bush, Obama, Biden ? Who would like to play with them, they started wars and killed millions of innocent people including children when using their so called "carpet bombing strategy" and drones.

Every us presidents started wars excepted for D. Trump...
And this kind of person is supposed to be the main hero of a game for kids ????
Come on... This is one of the most stupid ideas I have ever heard off when talking about a video game and this is just insulting to me (I would not let my kid being brainwashed this way).

Was the project manager on drugs ? You can see this person is totally disconnected from the real world, let's ask the kids of Iraq, Syria, Lybia, Vietnam, Ukraine, Russia if they would like to play this game as an "american president".
They would just tell you "No..." and would pick another game like Sonic. Because it is COOL not because it is serious !!!!

I still can't believe they ruined a franchise like this ">_________________<
Posted 30 December, 2018. Last edited 25 April, 2023.
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5 people found this review helpful
19.6 hrs on record (5.3 hrs at review time)
MON EXPERIENCE : J'ai joué aux premiers WipeOut sur PSX, à Wipeout HD/Fury sur PS3,
Je possde BallisticNG, RedOut(j'aurais préféré éviter) et Formula Fusion sur PC.

GAMEPLAY : Le gameplay est beaucoup plus agréable qur sur RedOut, car beaucoup plus similaire à Wipe Out : les vaisseaux flottent réellement. Ils ne s'envolent pas pour être scotchés à la route le reste du temps...C'est hypnotique comme un WipeOut et de plus en plus agréable au fur et à mesure que l'on arrive à prendre tous les boosts.

Graphismes : Les circuits sont sympas, certaines textures sont plus belles que d'autres.

TECHNIQUE : Fluide (60-70fps) en Epic avec une GTX1080 et un [email protected] (non OC) en 3440x1440.

SONS : Le bruit des vaisseaux est horrible, on dirait une tondeuse à gazon. Le bruit des boosts est agréable. Les autres bruitages sont vraiment bons.
Il y a quelques bonne tracks (psy trance notamment et dnb). Il y a même Dub Fx.
C'est carrément mieux que RedOut à ce niveau ! Une très bonne Soundtrack !

Formula Fusion Pacer est à mon humble avis le meilleur jeu du genre sur PC auquel j'ai pu jouer.
BallisticNG est hors compétition pour moi car c'est un projet original, un remake du premier Wipeout, je l'ai largement préféré à RedOut(que je ne touche plus) pour son gameplay et son côté hypnotique mais aussi pour sa soundtrack, qui comme dans WipeOut peut participer à l'ambiance du jeu (on peut toujours couper les musiques...).
Posted 26 November, 2018. Last edited 11 September, 2019.
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