Papito feliz! :3
Manuel Barrios   San Mateo, California, United States
:d2invoker: PMA Dude PMA :d2naturesprophet:
Jeu favori
15 568
Heures de jeu
500 XP
rather tune my llm than dota 21 nov. 2024 à 20h20 
фRUktick 16 avr. 2024 à 13h36 
Since you've started it... I did make 2 mistakes during laning, I don't argue with that, but everything after that is just people not paying attention to the game. When 0 2 0 carry asked for help, I came and said it all chat, but he didnt commit and supps were far behind (like always). When you asked to fight at t2 I walked there cause birds cant tp. After that ♥♥♥♥ up you started trashtalking and blaming others. I was tilted already and responded which you didnt like (obviously) and just gave up. Later when entire team was afk at base, I called for a smoke, used on everyone, and only lion joined me. Even then we almost killed pl, but you didnt join us cause you already gave up. So stop thinking everyone is bad and you carry games solo, look at game situation and play till the end. After all your "worst mid ever" had SOMEHOW top damage in team while best carry and offlane did less than undy. While I try to comeback even tilted, you just look for people to blame. Cheers
nefastoo 30 janv. 2023 à 21h33 
BRO,, ig de la minita ?
Shahar 19 janv. 2023 à 17h51 
Dont feed and sell your items, Thanks
melatonin 9 aout 2022 à 15h08 
stupid spick with no skill