noodle   Chad
-high -console -novid -tickrate 128 -nojoy -exec autoexec +fps_max 0 +mat_disable_fancy_blending 1 +cl_forcepreload 1 -limitvsconst -forcenovsync +r_dynamic 0 -allow_third_party_software +snd_use_hrtf 0 -freq 135 -no-browse

Любима игра
2 225
Изиграни часа
CS2 Config
Launch options:

-high -console -novid -tickrate 128 -nojoy -exec autoexec +fps_max 0 +mat_disable_fancy_blending 1 +cl_forcepreload 1 -limitvsconst -forcenovsync +r_dynamic 0 +snd_use_hrtf 0 -freq 240 -no-browse -threads 9



alias "+boing" "+jump"
alias "+ding" "-attack; -attack2"
alias "+dong" "-jump"
bind "mouse4" "+boing; +ding; +dong"

alias +duckjump "+jump; +duck";
alias -duckjump "-jump; -duck";
bind "SPACE" "+duckjump"

alias +fastswitch slot3; alias -fastswitch lastinv;
bind "q" "+fastswitch"

bind "f1" "buy smokegrenade;buy flashbang;buy flashbang; buy molotov; buy incgrenade;"

bind "f2" "buy smokegrenade;buy incgrenade;buy molotov;buy flashbang;buy hegrenade;"

alias "_checkw" "-forward; alias checkw"
alias "+w" "+forward; alias checkw _checkw"
alias "-w" "checkw"
bind "w" "+w"

alias "_checks" "-back; alias checks"
alias "+s" "+back; alias checks _checks"
alias "-s" "checks"
bind "s" "+s"

alias "_checka" "-left; alias checka"
alias "+a" "+left; alias checka _checka"
alias "-a" "checka"
bind "a" "+a"

alias "_checkd" "-right; alias checkd"
alias "+d" "+right; alias checkd _checkd"
alias "-d" "checkd"
bind "d" "+d"

alias "_checkcrouch" "-duck; alias checkcrouch"
alias "+crouch" "+duck; alias checkcrouch _checkcrouch"
alias "-crouch" "checkcrouch"
bind "ctrl" "+crouch"

alias "_checkwalk" "-sprint; alias checkwalk"
alias "+walk" "+sprint; alias checkwalk _checkwalk"
alias "-walk" "checkwalk"
bind "shift" "+walk"

alias "_shooty" "-attack; alias shooty"
alias "+shooty" "+attack; alias shooty _shooty"
alias "-shooty" "shooty"
bind "MOUSE1" "+shooty"

//Movementsettings loaded!!


fps_max "0"
fps_max_menu "0"
mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled "0"
mat_powersavingsmode "0"
engine_low_latency_sleep_after_client_tick true

cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt "1.5";
cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt "0.75";
viewmodel_fov "68.000000";
viewmodel_offset_x "2.5";
viewmodel_offset_y "0";
viewmodel_offset_z "-1.5";
viewmodel_presetpos "3";
viewmodel_recoil "0";
cl_bob_lower_amt "5.000000";
cl_bobamt_lat "0.100000";
cl_bobamt_vert "0.100000";
cl_bobcycle "0.980000";

m_rawinput "1"
m_mouseaccel2 "0"
m_mouseaccel1 "0"
m_customaccel "0"

echo Mouse Settings Loaded [X]

sensitivity 0.5
rate "1000000"
r_fullscreen_gamma "2.1"
cl_allow_animated_avatars "0"
r_show_build_info "0"
cl_interp "0"
cl_interp_ratio "1"
cl_predict "1"
cl_predictweapons "1"
cl_autoweaponswitch "0"
cl_lagcompensation "1"
mat_queue_mode "2"
mat_queue_priority "1"
fps_max 999
threads 8
mat_monitorgamma "1.60000"
mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled "1"

// This confirms Autoexec loaded
echo !!!!! Autoexec loaded !!!!!

Изложение на рецензиите
Изиграни 2 225 ч.
good game
XxX_LunchLady69_XxX 30 окт. 2024 в 1:47 
you and I can be like sonny and cherr, honey and bear woah
and you and I can be like aladin and jasmine let's make it happen like
la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
la la la la la la la la la la la la la la

- idell 2024
XxX_LunchLady69_XxX 30 окт. 2024 в 1:46 
Taking a break from watching midget g@y p0rn is that it can lead to significant improvements in mental health, relationships, self-esteem, and overall well-being. Reducing or eliminating midget g@y p0rn consumption can help individuals develop healthier habits, improve their emotional connections with others, and regain control over their lives.

-idell 2024
XxX_LunchLady69_XxX 30 окт. 2024 в 1:46 
here we go, come with me there's a world right there that we should see take my hand close your eyes, with you right here im a rocketeer lets fly
go go here we go
go go here we go
let's fly
go go here we go
when we stop nobody knows

- idell 2024
XxX_LunchLady69_XxX 30 окт. 2024 в 1:46 
hail to thee our alma matter
hail to thee our second home
we thine children
are thine forever
Elysia 2 юли 2021 в 19:01 
...../´¯/..../´¯\E.БAHЫЙ/¯` \....\¯`\
..\.................. /.........\................../
ende. 10 апр. 2020 в 21:25 
Sign by Ende <3 Theres Room For Improvement Dont Give up