Help me report this scammer and hacker here

A very warm welcome to scammers :steamhappy:
I encourage you to visit the Hall of Shame [] first before beginning your attempt :steamsalty: :steammocking:
Have a great day ! :HappyPugmas:
Roze ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ 21 Feb @ 7:15pm 
why is your profile so loveable within scmmmmerz
萝莉甜妹人皮话多 一起来聊聊天好无聊啊 做暖
萝莉甜妹人皮话多 一起来聊聊天好无聊啊 我们一起去酒店做玩游戏吖
Roze ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ 15 Feb @ 8:00am 
mercy plz
闺蜜无聊 有没有出来玩的