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20.2 hrs on record (8.5 hrs at review time)
I have not put in too many hours at the time of writing this. But I have enjoyed it! The online aspect, if you can handle some rather crude chatter, is an absolute blast! Physics are great, car models are detailed and the game itself is just a treat!
Posted 8 April, 2020.
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58.7 hrs on record
I really enjoyed my playthrough of Far Cry 3. I know it's older now but it's still well worth giving a go if you get it at a good price. The graphics hold up surprisingly well in 2020, the mechanics are sharp enough and the story is, surprisingly, rather good. The ending felt at odds with the rest of the game and they could have done better with that but it certainly does not ruin the game.
Posted 30 March, 2020.
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1,072.5 hrs on record (506.1 hrs at review time)
It's essentially soccer with cars, either you love it or you don't. As long as you can deal with quite a few rude people, this game can be a lot of fun!
Posted 11 November, 2019.
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2.5 hrs on record
As a micro machines game, it's true to form without being completely brutal as V3 was (though V3 was flippin awesome). would be even more fun if there was a decent player base where you could get in a game with real people. I cannot blame the game for that though, the game is solid and fun. Buy it, then multiplayer can be alive! But, again, I can't fault the game because it's not as popular as COD. Either way, this is fun game and worth picking up if you can get it for a song.
Posted 1 February, 2018.
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122.6 hrs on record (119.3 hrs at review time)
Love this game. many hours get spent just watching and hoping that the race unfolds the way I need it to. Sometimes you feel as though it's really out of your control during the race but that's the beauty of it. Lovely game and lots of replay value. Good mods too! Pick it up if you're at all interested!
Posted 31 January, 2018.
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7.4 hrs on record (6.3 hrs at review time)
I love this game. Played it through once before on 360 and am enjoying my time with it again now on PC. Everything is a little over the top and the cheesy, overly sincere storyline has the potential to be too much but I still got a real kick out of playing this game. Not sure about the online side of the game as I've not really had much interest, I bought this game for the campaign and I enjoy it immensely. The graphics are not spectacular and the AI is weak and the grenade throwing animation is incredibly poor, I don't care. The game is fun and that's why I play games. It's almost always on sale somewhere and, if you can pick it up for $5 or so it's definitely worth it!
Posted 5 January, 2018.
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6.3 hrs on record
Lots of fun when played with a friend(s). A good laugh and it all gets quite frantic at times. Challenging and fun. It may not be a game with a rich story but it's still a good time. My wife and I enjoy tackling a level or two and we always end up playing longer than expected. Good fun!
Posted 27 December, 2017.
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3 people found this review helpful
14.2 hrs on record (13.7 hrs at review time)
Meh. Kind of when COD started to decline for me. I enjoyed the campaign but it's nowhere near as good as Modern Warfare 1 or 2. Not as good as Black Ops 1 or 2 either but, for me, much better than the COD games that followed it. I have not played WW2 yet so maybe that is good. If you can pick this game up for under $15 it may be worth it for the campaign but I wouldn't recommend it over the games before it.
Posted 27 December, 2017.
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3.0 hrs on record
A great Burnout Experience. Unfortunately theres a little bit missing from the game as some of it seems to be shut down but the base game is still fun! Not my favorite game in the series but the only one available on PC so there's that. If you can get it for a good price it is worth it!
Posted 27 December, 2017.
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62.0 hrs on record (20.0 hrs at review time)
Lots of fun, quite a challenge too if you up the difficulty a bit. Unfortunately, even in the endurance part, there are no pit stops. Still, a great game. Maybe wait for a sale though if you're willing to be patient!
Posted 9 December, 2017.
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