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93 Jam dimainkan
"Tharsis is not a game about facing the odds. It’s a game about changing them." — Choice Provisions
(never have I seen a developer name so perfectly match the essence of the game 👌)

This is important. Because the odds are against you. If I would have to summarize what the game is about with one word, it would be prioritizing.

People who bash it either don't understand the concept of Tharsis or aren't adept at prioritizing and planning in advance, which are traits that could hardly be better complemented than they already are with the board game mechanics such as are. If you are capable, you will mostly win, on any difficulty. Granted the RNG factor does occasionally lead to impossible situations, but that's rare.

It objectively deserves a much higher overall score.

So plan for events ahead of you, accept the losses as an outcome of a difficult, unpredictable situation ("Bad games need higher risks." — Inventarius) and embrace the satisfaction when you overcome real tough journeys to complete your mission.
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52 Jam dimainkan
THE magnum opus of Zachtronics.

If you recognize a certain facet of beauty in devising elegantly refined systems resolving complex problems, watching solutions unfold will satisfy the brain in a way few games can achieve, because few games present the problems as multi-layered and simultaneously as openly approachable as SpaceChem does.
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Beyond Blue
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terakhir dimainkan pada 16 Jan
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terakhir dimainkan pada 11 Jan
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Tercatat 1,6 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 11 Jan
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Azune 31 Des 2023 @ 10:43pm 
Thank you, I'm wishing you all well in the coming year! :)
Fennec Fox 31 Des 2023 @ 10:13pm 
Happy New Year!
Killing Floor 2 22 Jul 2020 @ 6:10am 
very good Insurgency player and awesome FRIEND.
Hellstrum 24 Jun 2020 @ 12:46pm 
Thank man :startledmetalslime:
Azune 24 Jun 2020 @ 12:23pm 
@ Cryoe


If you like the idea of an open-world reversed hunting game (where you are the hunted one) and if developers did fix the AI, then it's well worth the current price.

Keep in mind that it's very unpolished. Feels more like an early access title, but currently isn't that expensive given its unique setting which in my opinion works very well.
Hellstrum 24 Jun 2020 @ 9:50am 
Hey man seen your review on Generation Zero. game looks kinda neat, do you think it's worth the sale price?