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기록상 24.6시간 (평가 당시 24.5시간)
Used to play this game. Didn't play for a while. Then tried to go back into it recently.

Because of their dumb Microsoft login thing, I cannot play anymore. It's trying to sign me in with an account that is older than grand-ma, and when I click on "sign in with a different account" it just reloads the same web page I was already in endlessly. I deleted all my XBox Live entries on the laptop, and now it just says UE4-MCC Game has crashed. Fatal Error.

Stay away from that stupid thing.
It's not really relevant to talk about a game quality when you're not even able to play it because of some crappy policy or critical bug for such a dumb thing.
2024년 2월 7일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 382.4시간
Gosh I love this game. Discovered strategic based game design with XCOM EU/EW, was already a pure blast, moved to this title, and get the other cheek slapped.

Wonderful experience, great cutscenes (with awesome sound design), gameplay is beast, randomization brings a lot of replayability. And this, again, is a demonstration of the fact that taking care of the modding community (by having natively the tools for the accessibility and flexibility) is a must have nowadays. Seriously all those incredible mods are adding sooooo much more to the experience, diversity and replayability.

Both this game and its modding community are gold. DLCs are cool, definitely a plus, and it gets (huge) discount so often than you have to go for it.

One of my top game ever, in both play time and pleasure.
2023년 10월 31일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 7.7시간 (평가 당시 4.0시간)
This is looking cool, atmosphere seems to be amazing, gameplay is apparently thriving. I can't confirm though, as this scam keeps crashing all the time, every 5 to 20 minutes!
Web is flooded by people complaining and trying to find a workaround, but 2K definitely don't give a damn since it's been years already.
This edition is a swindle, run away.
2023년 9월 21일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 24.8시간
What a game... What an atmosphere.
Almost 100k review, almost each one is positive, for a reason. This is jewel.

Thanks for all this work to revive HL. This is one of the best (and respectful) rework I've seen in game history.
2023년 6월 22일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 15.3시간 (평가 당시 5.5시간)
It's a love story, true masterpiece, amazing atmosphere, smart design, great dialogue & characters, satisfying puzzles, a beast among the beasts...

Jewel, in my heart until death do us part. One of the best game in gaming history.
2023년 5월 13일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 257.2시간 (평가 당시 222.9시간)
Pure jewel.
I’ll make it quick, but game design is smart, atmosphere is real, fun isn’t forgotten, base building is very rousing, gears choice is wide, difficulty is balanced, randomization’s keeping the curiosity, etc.
Quests variety and directing could have been better, more maps would have been way better to spend even more time on it, history is… there’s none it’s a sandbox survival which is ok, at least for me.
But all in all, this is a freaking really good game, worth any money. One of the rare games I replayed multiple times.
2023년 2월 17일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 71.7시간
Too many reviews already to spend too much time here.

Some efforts into the environment/atmosphere, but not "wonderful" neither, even in 2018. The equipment system is limited, magic mechanics is close to poor and frustrating, story has some ideas but the development is meeeh, characters are annoying as hell with main (Noctis) on top of the list, combat system is awful and chaotic, some travels and menu transitions take forever, too many humans and not enough “fantasy”, summons look cool the first time then quickly become uninteresting to use, side quests are feverish, etc.

This doesn’t feel a Final Fantasy. This is thousands light years away from what the masterpieces FF7/9/10 have proposed.
And even if it was not offered as a Final Fantasy, this would be run-on-the-mill at most. Being honest, if you can grab it with a very good special offer as I did, it might be worth doing it once. Worth trying, I mean…
2023년 2월 17일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 64.2시간
Truely a wonderful experience. A bit too much tunneled storyline, I would have liked a bit more freedom on the global experience. But the story itself, the music (godammit...), visual, atmosphere, immersion, ... Such a masterpiece.

Only downside, the biggest and most interesting hordes were mostly those from the story. I was expecting much more "big", "complexe", stressful", from the optional "horde" completion. Well, it appears that when you finished the story, remaining hordes weren't interesting anymore, for most of it.

Still, this game is truely a masterpiece. Rarely I enjoyed that much being stressed and living events with protagonists.
2022년 3월 22일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 161.9시간 (평가 당시 158.3시간)
Already more than 100k reviews for a 2018 game, I don't think elaborating mine will bring any interest, but I find wise to write some words with my thumb up.

Well, now, thump up !

Atmosphere, graphic design, massive amount of quest, lot of free or DLC adds, immersive experience, etc, etc... Well done, this game is jewel. There's flaws, but still a jewel.

Biggest downside, the price of the optional content (using Helix). Exorbitant. As it's not just skins, there's some perks into, where some can bring different gameplays. So if you're not willing to spend A LOT of money, you'll have to forget some combat styles (perks) that may interest you otherwise. Deceitful. I personnaly chose to simply forget about this corrupted market existence, and everything went well, I enjoyed my game, a lot.
2022년 3월 22일에 게시되었습니다.
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24명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
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기록상 15.8시간
I would really want to let a good review on this title. It's charming on the surface, it's rather an innovative not secret mix between Oxygen Not Included and Dungeon Keeper, and the humor, along machines design, do the job.

But clearly I'm far from being thrilled by the gameplay. Ouch.

When I bought and tried this game for the first time, it was in EA. There were some clear flaws into the gameplay, like holes just needing to be filled. So I wasn't that afraid, because so much may come later.
I didn't play again since this week, in ver. 2.0. Thing is: even if the most obvious flaws have been patched (/finished), some aspects inside the core game doesn't fit at all what I'm expecting from a game.
Worst experience I had on my last play: it's boring as hell.

- Exploration means nothing. There's no fog war, no surprise, from anything. What you see on the map, is what there is, and is what you get.
- For building purpose, there's no need at all to extend. The very few buildings you need to build will fit in a tenth (even less) of the whole map. And I'm not even talking about obsolete buildings (research gives you access to bigger/better production chains/torture machines, so you don't need to keep previous systems), because if you deconstruct those, you will end up with less than 20 buildings of all types. In a map that can fit hundreds.
- Both points above lead me to another one: the only objective from mining, is getting resources. Otherwise, it's useless.
- All points above make me feel it's more a resource-managing oriented game, than an exploration/building one. But in-game, I may be wrong but I didn't find any statistic. Nothing about production/consumption last X minutes, nothing about global balance, nothing about sinner efficiency (other than few little bars, more or less filled, which are supposed to hide some numbers...maybe...), nothing. I often ended up not taking into account any stat modifiers (it changes all the time because of many things), and not being attracted in any calculation. Just trying to stay afloat, when something goes close to red. Making any sinner stat uninteresting.
- The priority system, for everything, is deeply inefficient. Tedious to change for any task (same task always get same default priority, then you must enter the dedicated overlay to change number, by clicking, one by one, to increase/decrease, one by one). And close to non-existing for sinners’ priorities.
- Resources: there's 2 resources, that I don't understand the purpose. Coal and metal. Why two? Almost each building needs both, often in similar quantity, so why two instead of one?
- Suffering points. It's... well... slow as hell. Some high-tier machine needs 10000 to be built, a sinner needs seconds to bring you... well... between 10 and 30. And it quickly become the main currency, so better get used to wait.
- Green crystals. A (rare) interest into playing longer, is enjoying new machine/production chain. But, to unlock those, you need a lot of green crystals. A lot, I mean, a lot more than what you have on the map. Kind of frustrating when you know that map digging only goal is to get those crystals. After that, be prepared to wear out the market. And to get those green crystals through this building, it takes a looooot (again) of suffering. Until you wait enough time, there's not that much to do. Both food and drink production chains are up, suffering machines also, the only way to increase (the interest, because to increase the production itself, buildings can be buffed up to 3 lvl, which basically is a good option) and to progress, is to unlock new buildings through research.
- Essence: this resource is (almost) created only while putting sinners to instant death. It sounds interesting, except that sinners pop-up quite slowly, until it doesn't pop anymore. Then you can only rise up dead sinners by... using suffering. Again, and again.
- Killing a sinner brings you essence, but the amount is depending on your sinner sanity. Which is always, bad, or not that good. And it provides you... very few essences. The only reliable way I've found to get decent amount (something that makes you really progressing, not something to increase by 10 when you need 100 for a single building), is to use suffering to raise a sinner, and to kill him immediately. This, brings much more essence. Basically it's, well, just converting suffering into essence, which makes, execution useless (gameplay speaking).
- Summoning: didn't even used once. Considering the high-price in essence, and the fact that it's limited short time, I never ended-up thinking that it would be worth it.
- Decor is very annoying to use. The print it has (its size) is very imprecise until you try to build it (well, many buildings have a "hit-box" that is very confusing). And it's annoying to build, as sinner don't have an extended range, and machines are too tall for them to build above. So if you want to add decor above (paints, chandelier, windows, etc... in brief, things that may go higher to give perspective to the room/area), you need an access with ladder from the top, which is very (I mean very) slow and tedious. Only good point, again, is the design. Most of it (not all) are visually cool.

The more I write and think of it while I'm writing, the more I end up on the fact that I was clearly disappointed by Hell Architect. It was promising, on the paper, but once you hit the gameplay, it's poor, it's boring, it's tedious, and gives no motivation or rewards for progressing further. Unlike its 2 inspirations I mentioned on the beginning.
Despite the fact that it has a fun graphic experience, few hours are highly enough to me to be over with it. It’s, well, far from the 200h-2000h+ I have with other building/sim management.
I played a bit more than this week while it was still in EA, (discovering, -hoping-, you know), but now, even in 2.0, a very few hours literally make me uninstalled the game.

Final words, disappointing, tedious, and boring, but with a cool graphic aspect with some originality. It may evolve further, but it's still a very long way before it comes from "2h is enough" to "100h and I may still want more time to spend into".

2024 EDIT: Unfinished and unpolished game that is now abandonware. Move away.
2022년 3월 20일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 2월 8일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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2022년 3월 22일 오전 7시 38분 에 개발자가 답변함 (답변 보기)
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