Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
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Yayınlanma: 6 Ara 2024 @ 13:44

The anti-cheat is no more invasive than Apex Legends (Easy anti-cheat) Or Valorants in house anti-cheat from Riot. Anti-cheats have been operating at Kernel level for a few years already at this point. And that also includes all the previous ones that have existed.
It's an irrelevant review. The fact this still needs to be explained is tragic. Also, your information has been obtained and sold 100x already, I promise this game taking it, even if it was, is not going to change anything in a major way. If you are on social media, you've almost 100% lost all your data long ago.
The people who DON'T lose data, typically run games or things in general in a sandbox VM and use Linux to avoid majority of these issues. And if the game doesn't work under those situations, they simply don't play.
YOU DO NOT need to play games to live your life. And if you aren't taking your internet data as seriously as the things I mentioned above, then this games anti-cheat is THE LEAST of your worries.
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