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Seneste anmeldelser af OophenPoofen

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11 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
60.3 timer registreret i alt (14.9 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
I really enjoyed this game for the first 20 hours or so. After I unlocked most of the items it lost its appeal. The game might have more longevity with friends, but I can't justify spending more time farming for resources. Its a farming game 10000%.
Skrevet: 12. maj 2017. Sidst redigeret: 8. juni 2020.
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7 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
2 personer fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
0.5 timer registreret i alt
Did I play a different game from everyone else here? Overwhelmingly positive...I guess thats because there is only 644 reviews. Does this even count as a 'game'. Did they run out of time and not want to finish the story? Is there supposed to be a sequel? WTF!?
Skrevet: 12. maj 2017.
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0.8 timer registreret i alt
Another simulation game that lacks realism and requires quite a bit of time to learn. Definitely not a fan of the hotkeys and time required to really 'get into it'. Thank god I'm uninstalling early so I can get my money back.
Skrevet: 12. maj 2017.
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4 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
1 person fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
310.2 timer registreret i alt (194.6 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Its 3AM here.

I just hit ~

I then type in "resetperks"(CharacterName)""

All my level 25 perks have been reset. Why you may ask?

Because, for me, this was the epitamy of gaming addiction. Its a super simple first person shooter that relies on dog training type rewards to get you hooked. Once I leveled everything up I was pretty dissappointed. It didn't really make the game any more fun. I think the number of custom maps is what REALLY got me hooked to this game. I haven't seen a custom map community like this since the old Warcraft III days. I just have to get on with my life and quit playing this circular game. Every game is basically the same with slight variations depending on how the computer generates zeds. I just got accepted to graduate school programs and I need to spend my life doing that. Not playing this crap until 3 AM. For the past 3 or 4 weeks I have been getting about 4 or 5 hours of sleep because of this game. Its the online community and the idea of 'just another upgrade' or 'just another level' or 'just 1 more custom map' that turns a 10PM night into a 3AM night. Beware gaming addiction. The industry is full of people who know how to throw some crap together and start a cycle of psychological craving within the brains of their audience.

Normally I require a good story or something to get me hooked. This doesn't have that at all. The music is AWFUL. I wonder if the repetitive crappy metal/rock soundtrack sort of hypnotized me into playing for longer periods of time. I could go on and on but I need to go to bed. Beware cheap tricks that games use to get you hooked. They certainly worked on me. I have a life I need to get to now. So long Killing Floor. So long Rentboys server, 485+ and 515+ custom maps server, Helms Deep maps, Defence maps, mushroom clouds in ZED time, rage qutting, playing with random dudes all over the world, the awesome Old West map, custom servers, huge 50 person servers, Hans, KEVINNNNNN, and (hopefully) GOODBYE WRIST PAIN. GOODBYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YOU ZED BASTARDS. Hello productivity.
Skrevet: 3. marts 2017.
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2 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
321.7 timer registreret i alt (123.6 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)

This game has gone to hell. I can't get in a single game as the killer. There are too many killers now. Can't even play. NO NO NO to this game.


Well guys....

I just reinstalled this after not playing for a few months. I have well over 100 hours invested. I think I may be done for good this time. THIS HAS TURNED INTO A TOTAL DISASTER. I haven't been able to play as a survivor once. Can't get into the lobby. I think this has revealed a major problem with 1v4 (or 1 v 1,1,1,1...see below) games: There aren't enough "1's" to match all the "4's".

Another problem...they added a post-game chat so the survivors can talk to the killer after the match...oh the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥....OMG THE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Dear people who complain about camping or focusing on one guy too hard: THIS ISN'T A 1v4 game. Its a 1v1,1,1,1 game. If someone is obviously being camped/stalked GO TURN ON THE OTHER EFFING GENERATORS YOU IMBICILES. There is even a perk called STEALTH that sets up camping. When have you seen a horror movie where the killer wasn't camping? I suppose its impossible to play a game that doesn't involve whiny, crying, snot-nosed crybabies, but this is just a recipe for this sort of thing: 4 players don't talk to the other guy at all for the whole game and then have 1 last chance to say something negative...of course its going to happen.

Other issues...the Nurse is bizarre. Weird mechanics. Just pure boring gameplay. I don't think the ranking system makes much sense...dropping so many places every few weeks just because its time to 'reset'. Some of the powerups are RIDICULOUS. Meg (I think) can sprint around and shine in ways that she can never be caught. There are still endless loops, bugs that prohibit the killer from picking the surivor up when he/she is downed, the music is very unimpressive, they screwed with the Wraith's bell sound pattern, and the developers really don't seem to care about fixing many bugs/connection issues. I CAN NOT RECOMMEND THIS GAME. I heard a new 1v4 Jason Vorhees type game is coming out this year. Hope that one does better. Am going to look for a better 1v4 or horror game. I'm done with this one for quite some time. I have never typed a review this long before. Just amazed how dissapointed I was after not playing for a few months.
Skrevet: 24. januar 2017. Sidst redigeret: 4. august 2020.
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13.4 timer registreret i alt
I would probably enjoy this game more if I were playing with friends, but I have not been impressed. The matchmaking really sucks. This last game I played involved me (the noob) with 4 veterans against a team of all noobs. The game itself seems extraordinarily boring and simpleminded; repetitive and predictable. Just glad its free to play. I'd be so pissed if I had payed for this. Can't believe its as popular as it is. I guess being free may have something (ALOT) to do with that.
Skrevet: 24. januar 2017.
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Viser 1-6 af 6 forekomster