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I found Don't Starve Together rather enjoyable, it's very fun, and very easy to play. Klei have done an amazing job coding the original Don't Starve into this multiplayer version and it's obvious that they've done a brilliant job doing so. The game itself consists of a 2D/3D background with a cartoonish grey outlook where your aim is to survive as long as possible until you die, depending on whether you have a friend on your game with you, there will or won't be a chance to respawn. If a friend is on with you then he/she can craft a "Telltale heart" to bring back a dead player at the cost of 20 health, 3 grass and a spider gland. Dead players cause sanity loss on living players and can roam around "haunting" objects and creatures. Perhaps later on as an idea for haunting, the dead player can control the object/animal depending on sanity and having low sanity can allow you to control bigger and more "alive" creatures/objects.

Don't Starve Together also brings the concepts from Reign of giants into the game, such as the actual "giants". These giants seem to be seasonal with "bearger" at autumn, "Deerclops" at winter, "???" (or goose/moose) at spring and "Dragonfly" at summer. These Giant enemies bring a new challenge to players and can bring games to an end because of the high attack damage they possess. This can be a rather difficult challenge for players as giants such as "deerclops" can come out of the darkness in winter and destroy your base/encampment.

Don't Starve Together also brings new characters and character concepts into the game, such as "Wigfrid" a warrior woman who can only eat meat and has her own character locked weapon and armor called the "Battle Spear" and the "Battle helm", I found this very useful and fun to be able to use a new weapon which won't bring down sanity, however the character itself can be rather restrictive as when I played as "Wigfrid" I felt as if I were restricted to my base as I could not wander too far from my food source which was rabbit traps. Perhaps "Wigfrid" could eat food and it would be more filling so that it makes up for the fact that if there is was little meat left the character won't die so fast of hunger and allow for players such as myself to be able to explore without too many restrictions.

"Webber" is another addition to the game and is described as ("Is a monster, befriends spiders, grows a silky beard") he is a very good addition to the game and grants a bigger freedom in the game as the character can eat a wider variety of foods such as monster meat, which I found as a brilliant idea for a character. The character itself though get's attacked by "Pigs" if the character gets in a close proximity and this can be very repetitive and persistent, this is a good idea at best but perhaps the character "webber" could just be unable to befriend "Pigs" and just instead of being attacked just avoided.

Overall I found the game very enjoyable and would be happy to see any improvements in the game such as previously stated and caves which I'm sure Klei are working hard on.
Publicada el 8 de noviembre de 2015.
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