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18.5 изиграни часа (4.4 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
There are a decent amount of different guns with random stats. There are mods to attach to the guns to buff stats. There are melee weapons (only seen swords so far). There are a 7-8 maps to play on with different mobs to kill on each. There's a decent amount of options for perks to choose from after leveling up and getting skill points to invest. I wish we could equip more than three perks and more than 2 gadgets (gadgets are medpacks for quick hp and a variety of a consumable bombs/proxy mines/etc. for groups of enemies).
I'm noticing the shop in the game gets glitched and only sells 1 gun and you can only sell one item after a while and a while after that, the vendor doesn't even work in the hq area. I watched this game for a while when it launched, hoping it'd go on sale....it didn't, but i'm glad i bought it. If you like beat-em-up 2D games, but with guns and melee weapons, you'll like this game. First time I tried it, my wired ps4 controller was a bit iffy with controls...2 updates later and it works great...some menus i still use my mouse, but gameplay with my pad works great. The devs have been doing a good job at fixing bugs while adding content. I would like the shop to get fixed, however.....thats the only thing I can complain about, overall, the game is worth the money. I do wish I could have more inventory space on my character without sacrificing a perk slot.
Публикувана 13 юни 2020.
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84.1 изиграни часа
This game has a community that's predominantly helpful. Online only. Lots of leveling up to do. A challenging end-game to grind for with rewarding loot. The loot is similar to borderlands, except you can use a premium currency that you can grind for to modify the stats on your loot. This game made me enjoy 3rd person shooters, when I was strictly fps for this type of gameplay. I was a console player that was forced to jump to pc. You can go solo, work with people, trade/sell, join clans, and sometimes have amazing conversations with people from all over the world who play this. Unlike 2050, the grind feels worth it, you become stronger and obliterate everything beneath you. When more players go into one area, the difficulty goes up in that area, however. Go to trion's site and get glyph there, but get the dlc on sale here. The trion version doesn't require steam, which saves resources on your end. This isn't the prettiest game, but it runs great on a dual-core with 8gb ram and a 2gb 4k video card hooked up to a 4k tv, to give you an idea of what it takes to run Defiance. Its up to you to invest money into it, but its worth it in the end when you think long term. Don't ask for everything to be handed to you. Max level is 6,000 and you go up 10 points every time you level up via xp. There's also a big list of chores to do that give you 5-40 levels upon completion. This isn't the greatest game, but this game is pretty dang good. There's also a forum and other sites like defiancedata.com that really help when you're stuck doing the various fetch quests.
Публикувана 21 март 2020.
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