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Cities: Skylines

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Australian Retail Asset Collection
Collection by Cyber Scythe X
This collection is full of assets relating to retails brands found throughout Australia, and also assets to make your own commercial areas. These assets can be used to create shopping centres, distribution warehouses, retail streets, plazas and much more.
Australian small town collection
Collection by Cyber Scythe X
A collection of assets to remake your favourite little town want more or sneak peaks at future releases? find me on -twitter -cities cafe discord
Cyberscythex's assets
Collection by Cyber Scythe X
List of assets made by me. Have any requests let me know Enjoy. want more or sneak peaks at future releases? find me on -twitter
Perth is OK
Collection by Cyber Scythe X
List of Assets inspired by things specifically from the City of Perth and Western Australia in General Bad Peanut's Train stations named accordingly: Boutellier Sunken Station = Butler Train Station Suburban Train Station = Warnbro Train Station Inner Subu
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