Jimmy Joe Dilton   Lubaczow, Przemysl, Poland
Trade link:

Knife History

-flip knife boreal forest field tested-
-flip knife blue steel well worn-
-huntsman safari mesh field tested-
-huntsman boreal forest field tested-
-bayonet boreal forest field tested-
-m9 bayonet urban masked field tested-
-butterfly forest ddpat battle scarred-
-huntsman vanilla-
-huntsman night field tested-
-m9 bayonet boreal forest field tested-
-m9 bayonet forest ddpat firld tested (factory new looks)-
-karambit scorched field tested-
-butterfly stained field tested-
-Huntsman Crimson Web field tested

My Setup Specs:
Computer: ♥♥♥♥♥♥ laptop
Gear: all the crap Shroud uses cause he is the best
Monitor: Benq Gaming one, unknown name
Track pad: laptop one cause the external stuff is hella pricey
Currently Offline
1 game ban on record | Info
3617 day(s) since last ban
yena 2 Mar, 2018 @ 5:50am 
Trade Your CS:GO Cases For Keys! 4 Cases = 1 Key! {LINK REMOVED}