serbian war criminal #104842
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THE 🤘 OPENING 😮👐 (al-Fatihah) 1. 🔞 In the 🤘 name 📛 of Allah, the 🤣 Gracious, the 🤘 Merciful. 2. 🕑✌️ Praise 👏 be to Allah, Lord 👑 of the 🤣 Worlds. 🌐 3. 🕒 The 🤣 Most Gracious, the 🤘 Most Merciful. 4. 🍀 Master of the 🤘 Day of Judgment. 5. 🕔 It is You 😀🤟 we 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 worship, 🕌 and upon You 😊 we 🌿 call 🤙 for 🔰 help. 🆘 6. 🔯🕕 Guide 🦮 us to the 🤘 straight 📏 path. 7. 🕖 The 🤣 path of those You 🤟 have 🈶 blessed, not 🈶 of those against whom there is anger, 🗯️ nor of those who are 👉 misguided. 2. ✌️ THE 🤣 HEIFER (al-Baqarah) In the 🤘 name 📛 of Allah, the 🤘 Gracious, the 🤘 Merciful 1. 🕐 Alif, Lam, Meem. 2. 🕝 This is the 🤘 Book 📙📙📙 in which there is no 🚭 doubt, ❔ a guide 🦮 for 🈺 the 🤣 righteous. 3. 🕞 Those who believe in the 🤣 unseen, and perform 🎭 the 🤣 prayers, 🤲🛐 and give from 😤😤😤 what 😦 We 🌿 have 🈶 provided for 🔰🔰🔰 them. 4. 🕓 And those who believe in what 😦 was revealed to you, 😊 and in what 😦 was revealed before you, 😀 and are 👉 certain of the 🤣 Hereafter. 5. 🕠 These are 👉👉👉 upon guidance from 😤 their Lord. 👑 These are 👉 the 🤣 successful. 6. 🕕 As for 🈺 those who disbelieve—it is the 🤘 same for 🈺 them, whether you 😀🤟 have 🈶 warned them, or have 🈶 not 🈶 warned them—they do not 🈶 believe. 7. 🕢 Allah has set a seal 🦭 on their hearts 💝 and on their hearing, 👂 and over 🤭 their vision is a veil. 👰‍♂️👰‍♀️ They 💁 will have 🈶 a severe torment. 8. ✳️ Among the 🤘 people 👬 are 👉 those who say, 🗣️ “We believe in Allah and in the 🤘 Last 🌜 Day,” but 😥 they 💁 are 👉 not ⏳ believers. 9. 🕤 They 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 seek to deceive Allah and those who believe, but 😥 they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 deceive none but 😥 themselves, though they 💁 are 👉 not 🈶 aware. 10. In their hearts 💕💓 is sickness, and Allah has increased their sickness. They 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 will have 🈶 a painful punishment because of their denial. 11. And when it is said to them, “Do not 🈶 make trouble on earth,” they 💁 say, 🗣️ “We are 👉 only reformers.” 12. In fact, they 💁 are 👉 the 🤣 troublemakers, but 😥 they 💁 are 👉 not ⏳ aware. 13. And when it is said to them, “Believe as the 🤣 people 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 have 🈶 believed,” they 💁 say, 🗣️ “Shall we 🌿 believe as the 🤘 fools have 🈶 believed?” In fact, it is they 💁 who are 👉 the 🤣 fools, but 😥 they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 do not 🈶 know. 14. And when they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 come across those who believe, they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 say, 🗣️ “We believe”; but 😥 when they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 are 👉 alone with their devils, 😈👹 they 💁 say, 🗣️ “We are 👉 with you; we 🌿 were only ridiculing.” 15. It is Allah who ridicules them, and leaves 🍂 them bewildered in their transgression. 16. Those are 👉 they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 who have 🈶 bartered error 🚨 for 🔰 guidance; but 😥 their trade ™️ does not ⏳ profit them, and they 💁 are 👉 not ⏳ guided. 17. Their likeness is that of a person 🙆 who kindled a fire; when it illuminated all around him, Allah took away 💨 their light, 🚦 and left ↖️ them in darkness, unable to see. 👁️ 18. Deaf, 🧏‍♀️ dumb, blind. 🦇 They 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 will not ⏳ return. 🔙↪️ 19. Or like 🏩💗 a cloudburst from 😤 the 🤘 sky, 🈳 in which is darkness, and thunder, 🌩️ and lightning. 🏮💡🚥 They 💁 press 🗞️ their fingers 🖐️ into their ears 🦻 from 😤 the 🤘 thunderbolts, in fear 😱 of death. ⚱️ But 😥 Allah surrounds the 🤘 disbelievers. 20. The 🤣 lightning 💡 almost snatches their sight 🔦 away. 💨 Whenever it illuminates for 🈺 them, they 💁 walk 🚷 in it; but 😥 when it grows dark 🔦 over 🌄 them, they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 stand 🧍‍♂️ still. Had Allah willed, He 💁‍♂️ could have 🈶 taken away 💨 their hearing 👂🙉 and their sight. 🔦 Allah is capable of everything. 21. O people! 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Worship 🛐 your Lord 👑 who created you 🤟 and those before you, 🤟 that you 😊😀 may attain piety. 1 🕜🕐 2. 🕑 THE 🤣🤣🤣 HEIFER (al-Baqarah) 22. He 💁‍♂️ who made the 🤘 earth 🌐 a habitat for 🈺 you, 😀 and the 🤘 sky 🌔 a structure, 🛖 and sends water 🚣‍♀️ down ↕️ from 😤 the 🤘 sky, 🌔 and brings out 😵 fruits 🥒 thereby, as a sustenance for 🈺 you. 🤟 Therefore, do not ⏳ assign rivals to Allah while you 🤟 know. 23. And if you 🤟😀 are 👉 in doubt 🤷‍♂️ about what 😦 We 🌿🌿🌿 have 🈶 revealed to Our servant, then produce a chapter like 🥰 these, and call 🤙 your witnesses apart from 😤 Allah, if you 🤟 are 👉 truthful. 24. But 😥 if you 😊 do not—and you 😀 will not—then beware the 🤘 Fire 🚒🧯 whose fuel ⛽ is people 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 and stones, 💎 prepared for 🈺 the 🤣 disbelievers. 25. And give good 🌟 news 🇵🇬 to those who believe and do righteous deeds; that they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 will have 🈶 gardens 🏡 beneath which rivers flow. Whenever they 💁 are 👉 provided with fruit 🍇 therefrom as sustenance, they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 will say, 🗣️ “This is what 😦 we 🌿 were provided with before,” and they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 will be given the 🤣 like 😄 of it. And they 💁 will have 🈶 pure spouses therein, and they 💁 will abide therein forever. ♾️ 26. Allah does not ⏳ shy 😊 away 💨 from 😤 making an example of a gnat, or something above 🆙 it. As for 🈺 those who believe, they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 know that it is the 🤣 Truth from 😤 their Lord. 👑 But 😥 as for 🔰 those who disbelieve, they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 say, 🗣️ “What did Allah intend by this example?” He 💁‍♂️ leads astray many thereby, and He 💁‍♂️ guides 🦮 many thereby; but 😥 He 💁‍♂️ misleads thereby only the 🤣 evildoers. 27. Those who violate Allah’s covenant after its confirmation, and sever what 😦 Allah has commanded to be joined, 🈴 and commit evil 🖤 on earth. 🌐 These are 👉 the 🤣 losers. 🏳️ 28. How can you 🤟 deny ❎ Allah, when you 😀 were dead ⚰️⚰️⚰️ and He 💁‍♂️ gave you 😀🤟 life, 🧬 then He 💁‍♂️ will put you 😀 to death, ⚱️☠️ then He 💁‍♂️ will bring you 🤟 to life, 🧬 then to Him you 🤟 will be returned? ↪️ 29. It is He 💁‍♂️ who created for 🈺 you 😀 everything on earth, 🌐 then turned to the 🤣 heaven, 👼 and made them seven 🕢 heavens. 👼 And He 💁‍♂️ is aware of all things. 30. And among the 🤘 people 👩‍👦‍👦 is he 💁‍♂️ who sells himself seeking 🙈👀 Allah’s approval.
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