United States
mario luigi presteon smelvan brad rezert

random ♥♥♥♥ i guess
hi i'm a poopyhead
idk what to put here grahhhh
Gomer jan. 24., 22:01 
i have diarrhea but i forgive you me
Smelvan jan. 24., 22:01 
I made a lack of my judgement and I apologize for my not human behavior I am terribly sorry that you have soiled your pantaloons, I will pay for more pants for not peeing to prevent this accident from happening any further. good day sir.
Gomer jan. 24., 21:59 
you made me pee my pants
Smelvan jan. 24., 21:59 
hello sir, I have to inform you that the the the um the um uh lion pizza bandit article is due this thursday sir, um bart simpson will be mad and sad and cry.
Gomer 2024. dec. 21., 21:35 
ThatDracoGuy 2024. dec. 21., 17:17 
hi satan