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24 av 50 (48%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

Bail Out

Ejected from a damaged aircraft.
Upplåst 5 jan, 2015 @ 16:07

Guns Guns Guns

Destroyed 5 hostile vehicles from the air as the door gunner.
Upplåst 5 jan, 2015 @ 16:11

Fire Hazard

Removed enemy presence from the oil field and the base.
Upplåst 5 jan, 2015 @ 16:37

Life Saver

Rescued Major Illich from enemy captivity.
Upplåst 6 jan, 2015 @ 17:05

Fearsome Guardian

Protected your allies using the gunship, and led a successful attack on the base.
Upplåst 7 jan, 2015 @ 16:02


Attempted an emergency landing in a damaged aircraft.
Upplåst 21 jan, 2015 @ 10:07

Total Annihilation

Disintegrated enemy bombers in mid-air, keeping damage to the city to a minimum.
Upplåst 21 jan, 2015 @ 10:38

Steel Hunter

Eliminated enemy threat from the Suez Canal.
Upplåst 21 jan, 2015 @ 11:09

Defender of World Heritage

Prevented enemy from using Trinity to destroy Derbent.
Upplåst 23 jan, 2015 @ 16:16

Hot Pit

Successfully took off to protect allies amid heavy hostile fire.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 18:08

One Million Tons of Scrap Metal

Sank the enemy fleet and saved the Russian Prime Minister.
Upplåst 25 jan, 2015 @ 11:50

Critical Hit

Took down a hostile fighter with a charged homing missile.
Upplåst 4 jan, 2015 @ 16:36

Successive Kill

Took down 3 hostiles in a row with an assault chain.
Upplåst 21 jan, 2015 @ 9:42

Hard Strike

Wiped out hostile ground forces with ASM.
Upplåst 21 jan, 2015 @ 11:26

Eagle Eye

Successfully focused on 3 targets.
Upplåst 6 jan, 2015 @ 17:00

Stay On Target

Obtained and destroyed 10 enemies in a helicopter.
Upplåst 6 jan, 2015 @ 17:00

Diverse Strikes

Defeated hostiles with all 3 of the gunship's weapons.
Upplåst 7 jan, 2015 @ 15:44

Gun Master

Took out a large number of hostiles as the door gunner.
Upplåst 5 jan, 2015 @ 16:14

Shot Master

Took down 5 hostiles with a direct shot.
Upplåst 6 jan, 2015 @ 15:20

Switch Master

Successfully switched from defense to offense 10 times with counter maneuvers.
Upplåst 21 jan, 2015 @ 10:05


Flew beneath a falling chimney.
Upplåst 5 jan, 2015 @ 16:35

Machine Gun Faithful

Destroyed an enemy aircraft using only the standard machine gun while piloting an aircraft.
Upplåst 5 jan, 2015 @ 16:00

Smooth Flight

Managed to get Sova 1 to land safely.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 18:09

Bomber Master

Defeated a large number of enemies while flying a bomber.
Upplåst 1 feb, 2015 @ 20:22

Nick of Time

Destroyed the ICBMs.


Destroyed the air defense system, opening the way for allied pilots.


Protected Moscow from destruction, freeing it from enemy control.

Friendly Fire

Alleviated the attack on Miami and helped Guts bail out.

Category 5

Pursued the enemy and shot down Major Illich.


Protected Washington D.C. from the threat of Trinity, and returned alive.

Warwolf 1

Cleared all missions.

Pursuit Master

Successfully pursued 3 enemies with counter maneuvers.

Checking In

Flew through the big hotel's gates.

Speed Demon

Destroyed all radar missile defense systems in a short period of time.

Chain Master

Took down 5 hostiles in a row with an assault chain.

Nice Kill

Shot down a large number of hostile players in competitive online.

Nice Assist

Used DFM support or ASM support to join a flight member.

Nice Save

Saved an ally being targeted by hostile players in DFM in competitive online.

Veteran Pilot

Sortied for 50 hours in competitive online or mission co-op.

Warwolf Squadron

Cleared all levels in mission co-op.

Formation Attack

Joined the same DFM with two others and shot down a hostile (mission co-op).

The Collector

Piloted all aircraft in the game.

Welcome to Mission Co-Op

Cleared 1 level in mission co-op.

Aerial Sniper

Used DFM to destroy 10 airborne enemies in competitive online.

Ground Pounder

Used ASM to destroy 30 ground enemies in competitive online.


Used an attack helicopter and destroyed 10 missiles or bombs in competitive online.

World Tour

Played on all maps in competitive online.

Ace of Aces

Obtained an A rank for every mission (free mission).

All Rounder

Obtained all MVPs.


Used Trinity to wipe out the enemy (free mission).