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Tercatat 159.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 153.4 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
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Уже не страшно, но по прежнему интересно. Бессмертная классика
Diposting pada 22 November 2023.
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Tercatat 1.5 jam
♥♥♥ with Devil. This is a good small project, where you can do different actions.
After finishing each new stage of labyrinth you can choose your own reward: some knowledge or some joy.
You can threath Devil, have a ♥♥♥ with demons and other.
You can find out interesting things about heavens, hell, God, dictators, hypocrites, truth, the meaning of life and other, and other.
I think this game is pretty good. Enjoy your own hell)))
Diposting pada 7 Juni 2021. Terakhir diedit pada 7 Juni 2021.
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Tercatat 11.9 jam
It's a funny game where you can beat some royal items to collect some hot arts...
Some hot princess..... Oh, my!
Get some chill, dear friend)
Diposting pada 24 April 2021.
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Tercatat 6.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 2.3 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
За прошедшие пару часов я узнал много нового и захватывающего из истории СССР.

Так, например, один из известнейших политических деятелей, лидер одной из могущественнейших держав, революционер и, по мнению некоторых, несравненный диктатор-репрессионер – И.В.Сталин – на деле, оказывается, был воином в матроске. А ещё перерождающимся всепожирающим монстром. А ещё рэпером. Космонавтом. Ценителем искусств. И так далее, и так далее.

Данное гиперболизированное представление на первый взгляд кажется, как минимум, довольно неоднозначным, но тем не менее оно позволяет намного глубже взглянуть на проблему диктатуры и задуматься о многих жизненных, но в тоже время вполне повседневных, вещах. Например, о том, насколько недалеко привычному нам миру до пугающей антиутопии. Всматриваясь в экранные образы и осознавая окружающую действительность, начинаешь понимать весь ужас существующей человеческой реальности и неотвратимости грядущего будущего… Надежды-то на самом деле нет: в любом случае тебя ждёт плохой конец.

Также нельзя не отметить большое количество исторических сведений о различных событиях, терминах и персоналиях. С большим интересом вычитал всё в Сталинопедии, а после - в различных вики-ресурсах. Невольно начинаешь подмечать, насколько же всё-таки история великая, и насколько значительны были события минувших дней.

Неординарный проект, но заставляющий проанализировать прошлое и задуматься о будущем.

Автору отдельное уважение за смелость и упорство!


I have known lots of new wonderful information while I was playing this game last hours.

For example, one of the most popular political person, one of most powerful states’ leader, revolutionary, incomparable repressions dictator (according to many) – Joseph Stalin – turned out to be mahou shoujo warrior! And reborning devouring monster. And rapper. And astronaut. And arts connoisseur. And other, and other.

At first view, this exaggerated performance seems, at least, rather ambiguous, but nevertheless it allows us to look much deeper at the problem of dictatorship and think about many life, but at the same time quite daily things. For example, how close the world we are used to live in to a frightening dystopia. Looking at the screen images and realizing the surrounding reality, you begin to understand all the horror of the existing human reality and the inevitability of the coming future ... There is actually no hope: in any case, you will have a bad end.

Also, it should be noted a large amount of historical information about various events, terms and personalities. With great interest I read everything in the Stalinopedia, and then in various wiki-resources. You involuntarily begin to remark how great the story is, and how significant the events of the past days were.

An extraordinary project, but forcing to analyze the past and think about the future.

Special respect for the author for courage and perseverance!
Diposting pada 28 Oktober 2020. Terakhir diedit pada 29 Oktober 2020.
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Tercatat 14.0 jam
Ulasan Akses Dini
You start playing near the Castle.
And you certainly come into and…
YOU DIED. Ahahahah.
Yeah, this game has some similar lineament with one well-known Game: the King kick and kill you every time you meet him.
Run, baby, run. Wuaahahah!
Well, speaking seriously, this is pretty game that I bought even it was in early access.
Nice picture, nice soundtrack, easy gameplay – all these features makes your brainpuzzle deciding comfortable. This is good game for resting of hard Action, MMO and other games. Quiet, not hurried playing. Yeah.
So I recommend to play this game.
Diposting pada 26 Juni 2017.
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Tercatat 190.4 jam (Telah dimainkan 181.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I started my assassin's creed playing with this game.
And this game is a quintessence of that I wanted from this games series.
Boarding ships.
Your own brig and rum masters.
This game is appealing to books I’ve read in my life. Stories of Jack London, «White Jaguar» of Arkady Fiedler, «Captain Blood: His Odyssey» of Rafael Sabatini and other.
Thanks for this, Ubisoft!
Diposting pada 11 Februari 2017. Terakhir diedit pada 30 November 2019.
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Tercatat 8.4 jam
Bloody! BOOBS!
Boobs! BLOODY!
Bloody boobs! Boobs and bloody!
This is non-ordinary game, where monsters wants to make your boobs their own.
And the only thing can rescue you is a huge wooden phallus. Oh, sorry. I mean a divine altar, of course.
Really, if you’re not hardcore feminist, I recommend you to play this. It’s not bad for this price.
Diposting pada 10 Februari 2017. Terakhir diedit pada 11 Februari 2017.
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Tercatat 3.5 jam (Telah dimainkan 1.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Nice shot, Guys!
This game can offer much fun with shopping and killing.
You have your own list of needs.
And you must buy all of it to your dear family.
To your wife, monkey-mother-in-law, sons, daughters and others.
But your cash looks like the black hole.
And you need to correct that.
So you have different ways to increase cash and realize your wishes.
But… who am I trying to lie? :3
I think that all of you will organize genocide!
So I recommend this game.
Have a fun!
Diposting pada 16 Desember 2016.
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Tercatat 1.2 jam
"Watch This" is a good exemplar of indie-projects.
This game has a good soundtracks and audio dubbing.
This game is hard to win. It’s not “Dark Souls”, but You will die many times. And again. And again.
Although this game is just an indie-game, it has its own pepper.
So I recommend you to play this game.
Watch this.
Watch your deaths.
Diposting pada 27 November 2016. Terakhir diedit pada 16 Desember 2016.
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Tercatat 1.5 jam
2 года я изучал сложнопрекологию, чтобы понимать последние мемы про Дейенерис Таргариен и её выпускной с табунщиками.
Теперь придётся изучать сложноигрологию, чтобы пройти сие чудо, ибо чувствую себя тупым, как одуванчик.

10 Энвоев из 10.
Diposting pada 18 Juni 2016.
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