Ryan   Hawaii, United States
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haHAA gay btw
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Halloseve 2 Sep, 2024 @ 3:33pm 
🛠️👷‍♂️🔥HAPPY LABOR DAY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥🔥👷‍♀️🛠️! The only thing getting WORKED HARDER 💦💦 than you this holiday is America’s sweaty 🍑🍑 labor force 💪🏾🛠️, so get ready to celebrate 🍻😏! You better be prepared to clock in ⏰ and punch that timecard right in the 🍑🍑, because Big Boss Daddy 👔🍆 is coming to inspect your tight little workstation 😈🔍. Don’t forget to spread those legs 🍗 like you’re on your lunch break 🥪🍔 and handle that hot, throbbing drill 🍆🔧💦.
Halloseve 2 Sep, 2024 @ 3:33pm 
Send this to 1️⃣0️⃣ of your hardest-working sluts 😈🍑 to clock in 🕒 for a day of dirty labor 💦👅. If you get 5️⃣ back, you’re getting a juicy raise 💰💵 from Big Boss Daddy 🍆💦. If you get 🔟 back, expect to get worked 🥵 overtime 🕒🕙 with some extra benefits 🤑🍑. And if you get 1️⃣5️⃣ back, you’re getting promoted 🏆👑 to Boss ♥♥♥♥♥ status and can handle the biggest 🥒 tool in the workshop 😈🔨💦.

HAVE A HARD 💦💦 LABOR DAY, you nasty workaholic hoes 🛠️👅💦! 🥵🍆🍑💪🏽
Halloseve 20 Sep, 2023 @ 5:38pm 
Earlier today 🗓 I 👆 was really horny, 💕 and 😤🍆 I 👀 saw what I 👀 thought 🤔💭 to ✌ be 😠 a blank DVD. I thought, 💭💭 DVDs have a 💰 tight hole, 🍑⛳ they ❤ might 🍆❓ feel 😁😫 pretty 🏻 good. So 🆘🍞 I put 🏾 my soft 😫😍 pp into 🚟➡ the hole 😫 of 🔧 the 👏🎇 DVD, and 💰🌞 for a 🖼💖 few 🔢👇 seconds as 👦 I ☺😻 started 💢💢 getting harder, 😫🔨 it felt 🙁 pretty 👬 good, but 🏾🍑 then, once 🕓⁉ I 😜 was 🚫 fully 😕 erect, it started ▶ being painful.
Halloseve 20 Sep, 2023 @ 5:38pm 
My 🙈🎄 pp was 😱👍 stuck in 🏼 the 😃 DVD, and ☝👅 I 👀 had 🍑💯 to break 🙇 it 🏹😽 in 👇 half 😂😂 to get 🌾 if 👦 out. 👅🐜 It 😏 was 🅿🙂 then 😂🏿 when 💯 I 👁 flipped the 😊 broken 😩🅱 DVD over ⤵ and realized that it 💯 was not 😠 a ➡ blank 🚫🚫 DVD, but a 🅰📢 copy 👌 of 🈸🚨 the 💰🏿 Pixar movie 😤 Up.. 👭⬆ Well guys, 👳😑 guess 💁 I ♥♥♥♥♥♥ 🏻 up.
Halloseve 23 Aug, 2023 @ 4:39pm 
sign 💦 pls 🔥😩
Halloseve 23 Aug, 2023 @ 4:32pm 
♥♥♥♥ 💆🍑 ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ 🖕👦 I 👁 can't 💦 believe 🙏🙏 it! 😉 Alright 📝 so 🆗 today 📆🗓 we're 👶👩 having class 👩 and my crush was 😒🏻 looking like 👍 a 💯👶 straight-up 👫 snack 🍭 as 😏💰 usual. No one ☝ could 👈💖 see 👀🙈 me from 👉 the 👏 waist 👖👖 down 😱👇 so I stared at 🍆😩 her 👩 and started 💢💢 to 😳 jerk off. 🎇🏾 I 🙅 was yanking it, I 💞😎 was cranking it 💯 the 📚 teacher's 🏫 words were ⏬🚶 going 😖 in one ☝ ear 👂👂 and right out 😞🏍 the 🎁 other. 😤👪 Then my crush 😾 got 🏻📖 up 🦃 to 🌈 get 👏 a 💰🅱 cola out 🍻😫 of 💦💦 her mini-fridge, her fast ass 😈💥 was on display for ⌛ everyone 🤜 to 🔣👏 see.