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11.6 hrs on record
Fun and gorgeous, incredible atmosphere in an enjoyable hack and slash.
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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127.2 hrs on record (78.4 hrs at review time)
A fantastic, low cost, atmospheric game. Mechanically doesn't bring much new to the table, but everything is polished to a mirror shine and it's worth a play simply to explore the world.
Posted 24 June, 2018.
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28 people found this review helpful
2.4 hrs on record
Repetitive, frustrating, and utterly boring. There is so little in the way of variety, in terms of enemies, your own vehicles and weapons that encounters will get very dull very quickly. And this is a problem because your also going to die a lot, as this game leaps between difficulty peaks with very little in the way of warning.

I stuck with for a while it because i wanted to see the end of this game, and it was here that my thoughts turned from ambivalence to the beginnings of hate. After a heap of grinding and preparation (fully outfitted and upgraded units) and a dull slog through the first phase of a boss, it transformed, grew a laser and auto cannons out of nowhere and killed my 80% health, fully upgraded, fully equipped convoy pretty much instantly. And this is after pretty much ever other encounter to that point had been a breeze. Difficulty isn't, but there is a vast gulf between a difficult boss, and tedious, frustrating ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

If there is a heap of content to unlock after the first successful run, I can't say i care because its the first run killed this game for me.

TLDR; Single auto save slot, dull and repetitive combat, (kinda ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥) boss and inconsistent difficulty makes this a game that isn't worth 15$
Posted 18 September, 2017.
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2 people found this review helpful
13.7 hrs on record
I like this in concept, but six months down the line and the game is buggy as an alpha release (though still better when it was first released), crashing randomly, quests looping and terrain glitching in travel. The writing is okay, but the game coding and gameplay feel badly incomplete. Go grab Sunless Sea on sale if you want this style of game, but i cannot recommend this game in this state.
Posted 8 August, 2017.
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2 people found this review helpful
99.8 hrs on record (7.1 hrs at review time)
Plenty of other reviews talk about the pro's and cons of the game.
Well worth the time to pick up on a discount with the DLC, as it is an interesting turn based strategy game.
Just adding my thumbs up (coz I enjoyed it) to counteract the Chinese review-bombing.
Posted 22 May, 2017.
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56.0 hrs on record (24.6 hrs at review time)
Amazing pixel art visuals, tight (sometimes frustrating) combat, and strong music. Darksouls+Decent Zelda game play (dodge roll=dash). It may not be the best or most original explanation, but its how i need to describe it.

I loved this. A story that is there, but up to you to interpret, hidden objects and artifacts and weapons that give purpose to exploration and upgrades (the upgrades in this game feel well thought out and integrated into combat), and (baring that damn western zone boss (yes, I struggled with that one)) some amazingly fun and frustrating combat encounters and mechanics. It isn't perfect by any means, at least to a pleb like me used to hand holding. There seems to be deliberate obfuscation of paths and routes (seriously, some hidden stuff i only found by dry humping a wall with my character) and it took me a very long time to figure out how the map works (3 weeks of intensive training by a team of specialists). But once I got used to it all, the dashing, the combat, the tricks for finding hidden objects and zones, I stuck with it, enjoyed the hell out of it.

Thoroughly recommend.
Though if you don't like pixel art, or tight, cruel combat, or exploration, do not get this.

UPDATED: Played the game again with a friend using the Coop mode when it came out. I don't think it adds much, and takes away from the feeling of solo badassery and challenge the game provided on a solo run. But that's just me. (Still fun)
Posted 26 May, 2016. Last edited 23 November, 2016.
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3.8 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)

Gonna be like everyone else here...Loved the game, for the short time I got to play it before Uplay decided to **** me over. Haven't managed to get it to work since and the one thing keeping me apathetic about that is that I picked it up on sale. Uplay is something I have never understood. Many Ubisoft games are downloaded and run though the steam interface, so DRM really shouldn't be the issue that Uplay make it, and the same thing holds true with those who want a social aspect. Is it just to exert some form of terrible digital control that kill what would otherwise be an enjoyable game. I like to play strategy games, I liked this game, but it simply doesn't work because of this enforced use of a non-functional program. Just go away Uplay
Posted 26 December, 2014.
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42.3 hrs on record (1.8 hrs at review time)
My search for a 4X game that provided depth and world building since Master of Orion 2 Lead me to SOASE and from it to Rebellion. Amazing visuals, decent AI and an unbelievably clever and dedicated modding community.
Anyone into 4X or just plain strategy should get this game and be absorbed by it.
While there is a bit of a learning curve, my one complaint would be the lack of campaign and story, especially with the races, factions and little hints dropped by the cinematic and game.
Overall, wholeheartedly recommended to anyone that enjoys tactics and strategy (yes, they are different).

Posted 19 December, 2013.
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