Ghost 2014年1月2日 6時48分 
problem fixed :)
Ghost 2013年12月7日 13時59分 
Ghost 2013年9月12日 13時02分 
"You want 60+ FPS?
Well that's not the case here, this isn't your ordinary daily shooter. Arma 3 requires some of the best hardware inorder to run it smoothly, 30+ fps is considered an excellent performence. If you have FPS issues:
- Don't put shadows on LOW, put it on Standard or high. That way you will force the engine to use the GPU instead. If you can't handle the game on Standard or high then it's your fault for buying it without reading spec.
- Turn off AA and Blur
- This one will improve the FPS by atleast 50%+, lower the visibilty and set visibility's shadows to min.
- This will also improve the FPS, lower the visibility's object drawing distance until you get the desired FPS.
- MP has FPS issues because of the poor servers, try to join a good server and stick to it. Poor hosting sucks.
- Disable Vsync
- Update your graphics driver and install Razer game booster (It gave me 10% performence)

Hope this helps.."

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