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Reseñas recientes de Orixithol

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A 1 persona le pareció útil esta reseña
60.3 h registradas (25.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
This little game is awesome. I'm giving it a 9.2/10 on my personal game-o-meter. Super solid and satisfying tower defense. Easy to understand, and right into the action! I got all the way to wave 150 after I learned the tricks and got some research done, but I had to dip because I was starting to worry about my computer lol. Very fun.
Publicada el 8 de enero.
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3,556.9 h registradas (3,403.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
A review for Warframe? Tough one, there's a lot to say but I'll try to be brief. It's a great game. But do you have a life? Then this game is not for you. It's the mother of all gaming grinds. It will make you hate RNG with a deep, burning passion. If you want a horde-based shooter to just get lost in for a couple eternities, then this is absolutely a game for you. Once you've done the grind (and the story, which is pretty interesting), there's not much to do except look fantastic. My best advice is: it's free, try it. Next best advice: use warframe.market and the wiki. If you enjoy the basic gameplay, then it's probably a game for you, the gameplay only gets better and better as you go. The true joy of this game is tinkering with their deep modification systems, which few if any games have ever come close to.
Publicada el 28 de diciembre de 2024.
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53.2 h registradas (36.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Phew. What to say about this game... it's kinda fun, kinda hard, and ultimately left me frowning. For sure the idea behind it was basically Frostpunk in space, which, uh, heck yeah, sign me up! Similar format with building/exploring. As far as city-building goes - great design work, management - big brain logistics. Loved the fleet control and docking bays especially. UI takes some getting used to but once you understand how everything works there's a ton to admire about it - very efficient once you've learned it. The part that soured me is something many, many city builders suffer from: the upgrades you need you can't get until you don't need them or have already over-invested, poorly preparing you for upcoming problems, and also building-just-to-destroy is something I've always loathed (the part that left me frowning). This game took some willpower and a multiple resurrection-loads to finish... and I didn't like the ending. It's story-formatted, not sandbox - if you know what I mean then you know - it doesn't let you build what you want when you want, it makes you build what it wants when it wants for the most part. You're not building for goals you're building for plot. All that said, I loved the actual nitty gritty of it, the handling of resources, the intense juggling of everything - intense and fun (and sometimes very stressful), I just disliked being dragged by the story everywhere, doing things I don't want to do. Overall, would I recommend it? Hm, idk. It's hard to rate too - maybe a 6.5/10 or 7/10? You'll love the gameplay (probably) but I don't think you'll enjoy the story arc. What they really needed at the end was 'okay... you did all that, now here's a brand new ship, or two, and take everything you've learned and researched and put it to use, because your first ship is a mess.' - I think for this reason I enjoyed my second attempt much more than my first, it was like ahhh, I now know what to do and why and also what's coming (for the most part - they do throw some curveballs at you, alternate endings).
Publicada el 28 de diciembre de 2024.
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61.5 h registradas (59.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
So I missed this game when it was released but I remember the hype. Now, years later, I finally picked it up here on Steam. I gotta say, this is one of the best games I've ever played in my life. Great concept, exceptional game design, gorgeous realization. Game tech moves so fast but this still is jawdroppingly beautiful in 2024/5. Extremely immersive. It's not even a 9.9, it's a perfect 10/10 from me, not saying it's a perfect game - there's no such thing - but this is as close as it's possible to get in my book. They had a vision and they totally nailed it. I recommend it wholeheartedly, but it is a long open world adventure so buckle up for a big time sink, foraging, side quests, etc. Definitely looking forward to Forbidden West release on PC.
Publicada el 28 de diciembre de 2024.
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37.6 h registradas (21.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
It's good, but not as iconically good as the first one. I give FP1 a 10/10 and FP2 is more like a 9/10 - which is still great!

The shift in focus towards politics is... pretty interesting actually, really makes you appreciate how democracy struggles to do what's really in people's best interests. I give them props for not just doing more of the same like so many other devs would've. There are a lot of positive changes and improvements on earlier systems as well. There's a steep learning curve when it comes to using building slots but after that it's just learning what works for what. My management ability was being taxed near the end and I had to pause to catch up several times. Graphics are amazing, still a very polished production in every aspect.

My biggest complaint about it is the law system. It took me a while to realize that it was acting as a mechanism to just turn research on or off to please people. I think that's ok, but they really could've made it a useful tool on its own too. In FP1 it was a major independent tool for managing civilization with its own tree. The only thing its good for here is currying political favors, and it feels really limited in scope. Survival never feels deeply threatened like in FP1 (although I haven't played the higher difficulties yet - not sure I want to lol, it was hard enough on Officer). The lore was also not quite as savory as FP1's - we basically just added oil to our material line-up, and we feel much more distant from our people. Hundreds or thousands die in the blink of an eye. I did like the chapter format though.

Overall it's a high quality game, different than the first one, better in some ways, worse in others. I don't know if anything will ever be as good as FP1. The DLC for this one should be interesting though.
Publicada el 21 de septiembre de 2024.
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A 4 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
18.3 h registradas (17.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
This is a great game. It's not perfect, but it's close. 9/10 for me. One of the best take-a-chance-on-an-unknown-game experiences I've had.
Atmospheric, fun, good gameplay, polished. It's a lot of errand-running / mission taking / sidequests so if that's not your thing you may get a little bored, and I can agree with others that the overall story isn't mind-blowing or anything, but I had a blast playing this game and will probably be back to play through it again.
Publicada el 1 de julio de 2024.
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20.7 h registradas (11.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
This is a GOOD game. Actually, it might be a GREAT game.
The space combat is the most fluid and responsive and satisfying I've ever played - mostly for one simple reason: somebody FINALLY figured out a way to get around the 3D combat tracking problem, and it's glorious. The story is fairly compelling, and while I don't personally care for the main character's VO, I can't help but LOVE her whispers, so it evens out. I haven't finished yet, but I'd give this an 8.5/10 so far. There are a few minor gripes - the equipment and ships feel a little limited and I wanted a little more out of the docking experience, but I happily shrug those off for everything else it's delivering. It's very polished, very well done. I'd never heard of this game and took a wild chance on it - so glad I did. Love it. If you want a single player space fighter game to get lost in for a while, this is it.
Publicada el 14 de junio de 2024.
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106.1 h registradas (58.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I'm sorry I can't really recommend this game - purely for design/gameplay reasons not anything else. It has good art, music, VO, everything is fine, it's just miserable to play. I'm not saying I hated it, I want to believe in it, it has great potential and good city building, but I can't recommend it either. The learning curve on this game is STEEP AF and even after you know it... well let's just say it has some deep design flaws.

There are 3 main things killing the gameplay:
1) Every production facility depends on another in a circular fashion AND in cascade fashion. If one fails, both fail, and if both fail, your ENTIRE system grinds to a halt and you have very, very limited and inconsistent tools to combat this with. This creates a doom mechanic that is nearly impossible to recover from - and it's a slow miserable death as you claw in vain for some way out of certain death. Run out of metals? You're screwed. Run out of polymers? You're screwed. Run out of anything - you're screwed. Even concrete, probably the easiest and most reliable resource other than O2 - run out of concrete - you're screwed. You can't run out of anything EVER. And now enter disasters and mysteries which force exactly that.
2) You have no actual control over where people work. Let's say you need polymers very badly, or metals, or rare metals, or machine parts, or food - and you have the buildings, they just aren't producing. Why aren't they producing? Because nobody is working in them. Can you force people to work in them? Nope. You are very much at the mercy of where the AI decides to allocate workers (which is itself based on a deep trait system). I just want to point at something and say "do that", and have it ACTUALLY get done. (Yes, you can restrict slots, which forces people out of working in places, but that does NOT equal going to work where you want them to). At one point I had 2 polymer facilities going full bore with 3 shifts each and in the same 2 domes 3 farms sitting without a single worker. It was like that until everyone died because there was no food. That's how ridiculous it can get. I was screaming for SOMEBODY to just go f****** farm!!! You aren't fighting for survival, for industry, for business - the only thing you are fighting is your own workforce for not doing their work. The ONLY control you have over this is your applicant selection but it's still not very precise.
3) It's endless. There's no goal, no finish line. So you hit a plateau and just keep going until you've had enough. Maybe that's what some people want, but I'd rather finish, enjoy a victory, and start a new scenario instead.

I'm not saying don't play it - it is good city building - I'm just saying you will probably be miserable doing it. You just don't have enough tools to deal with the problems that come up. For the people who want to give it a whirl, take some friendly advice, go into the setup screen before the mission and turn on double production. Why the hell this isn't default idk, but you will be completely miserable without it (and well, even with it). Probably turn off the mysteries too because they always screw you - you have to lose to them once to know how to deal with them, so that's like 20-30 hours a piece of a learning curve. And lastly, take the time to select your applicants very carefully in the beginning, it's disgusting how much that can screw you - 2 botanists, rest engineers is my recommendation (to get all production facilities running).
Publicada el 1 de junio de 2024. Última edición: 30 de junio de 2024.
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252.5 h registradas (84.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Do you like loading save files?
Well XCOM is the game for you.
Publicada el 9 de agosto de 2023.
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67.6 h registradas (57.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
So there's two types of RTS in my experience: fast and slow. This is the slow variety.
That said, it's very good - high production value, intricate - I can't imagine how hard it must have been to plan and develop this game, obviously a ton of time went into it. I was very frustrated at first because I didn't understand why my fences were breaking, or why I had no money, or why storms wipe out half my infrastructure, but in the end... it won me over. It's a great game.

Here's my advice for anyone about to play this for the first time:
1. You won't finish in one session, these are long ordeals, plan accordingly
2. There are 4 levels of fencing - ignore them all, they're useless, just use the basic one and keep the dinosaurs happy instead. If you have unhappy dinosaurs, you'll be miserable no matter what fence you have.
3. You will run out of money fast, everything is very expensive. Monetize the hell out of every enclosure, stack it with observation and activities.
4. Storms will absolutely wreck you if mishandled (random f5 tornado in costa rica lolz) and send you into an unrecoverable state. Open shelters immediately when storms happen (VERY important), go slow-mo and immediately repair all fence damage as it happens, and reopen as soon as the storm is over (and no dinosaurs are loose). Demolish buildings to get emergency cash - but at that point you're probably better just starting over.
5. Continuously optimize and check your amenities - this is HALF your income! But bad optimization will actually cost you money and rip apart your finances. I fit's not earning, fix it or delete it. Fortunately, they have excellent tools to help you with this. The gray identity is NOT a symbol for everyone.
6. Save religiously. Things can spiral out of control, and it's definitely the easier reset.
7. A slightly more advanced tip: you can combine many dinosaurs in the same enclosures, saving you a lot of management headaches and maximizing profits, just check that they don't hate each other and that you can accommodate both with their environmental needs.
8. The more dinosaurs, the better your income, make a lot of them. The more diversity, also the better your income. Carnivores are more popular than herbivores.
9. One more thing well worth knowing in advance: dinosaurs die eventually. Beware in particular of the T-Rex, it's extremely expensive to replace and when it dies your sales will plummet like a rock, potentially screwing you. If you can't afford to replace it easily, use 3-6 medium carnivores instead of it.
10. Pay attention to staff bonus qualities, they're your best tool for maximizing research.

That's it, the rest you'll figure out. Good hunting.
Publicada el 22 de julio de 2023. Última edición: 22 de julio de 2023.
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