The Ouroboros, a mesmerizing symbol woven through the fabric of mythology and mysticism, manifests as a serpent or dragon consuming its own tail in an unbroken circle.

This enigmatic emblem encapsulates profound concepts:

Infinite Cycle: The Ouroboros, a circular symbol, captures the essence of eternity, symbolizing the perpetual cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

Transformation and Change: In Norse mythology, the Ouroboros, embodied as Jörmungandr, signifies transformation and the ever-changing nature of existence, embodying the constant flux of life.

Alchemy and Unity of Opposites: In alchemy and Gnostic traditions, the Ouroboros represents the synthesis of opposing forces, harmonizing the spiritual and material realms in a cosmic dance of unity.

Pop Culture Resonance: Beyond its ancient roots, the Ouroboros persists in contemporary culture, symbolizing themes of renewal, introspection, and the cyclical nature of human experience.
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Shockjaw 15 Thg01, 2016 @ 5:55am 
Lives in a Hamburger. 9/11