Krenar Dakaj   Tirana, Tirane, Albania
:steamsalty:Quick overview of myself. I have been a professional gamer since late 2014 although i do not like the term professional. I believe i am a superior player in any way possible compared to my counter parts. Most of my time i spend writing guides for various games to improve peoples skills. Starcraft 2 pylon rush? My idea, new metas in league of legends/dota or any other moba game? Came from me, Cant run from a heaven a popular tactic in dota 2 was developed and tested by me. Lately i have been supporting method gaming and world of warcraft players all around the world to improve their skills. I have written the legendary outlaw guide for Antorus Burning Throne, they simply call the guide 3 million DPS ROGUE. Roger brown now a hero to all hunter players in the world was taught by me to use beastmaster against all odds in methods world first Argus kill, clearly i have seen the advantages up pet uptime on a boss with so much movement and ♥♥♥♥. Once again i have seen the oppurtunity to defy all odds and come on top.

I myself are but a humble player casually playing on rank 1 levels at all times in world of warcraft my logs are in the 100% on all my classes, 3.2k rating in arenas and rbgs. They simply call me GOATboyX. meaning greatest of all time obviously. When i do not kick ass or write guides in world of warcraft i like to spend my time playing CS GO USP only against AWP, M4's and AK's again demonsterating my superior skills. Truly i must be beyond anything people have seen up to date. Pubg Early Access highlight a trending youtuber was brought to life due to my extrem exploits of the game where i would literrly solo the entire battlefield with nothing more than my bare knuckles and fists.

I also invented the Diablo 3 grinding system which many people use to day where they speed run through higher keys.
Wow Progress math for the mythic plus score is based on my findings on the matter and what matters. Last but not least i have to admit that it is rather lonely when you are on top of every game. Being the APEX OF APEX predator player in the world is cunning but yet boring there is never anything new to achieve for what could you challenge me on, when i already have done it all.
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