Sticky Undies
Cole L.   Treinta Y Tres, Treinta y Tres, Uruguay
Yeah baby let's dance the night away.

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Sedang Offline
JokerBat 16 Nov 2021 @ 8:08pm 
this guy hates tf2 and us !!!
John Wicked :> 22 Sep 2021 @ 12:45am 
Hey dude. Can you reply, please? Still want that Duke Nukem gift. :WoWO_O:
John Wicked :> 4 Sep 2021 @ 3:57am 
G’day mate! ♥♥♥♥ you have Duke Nukem 3D giftable copy in your inventory, could you please trade it for something? I sent you a friend request to discuss, just really want this . ^.^ :bloody:
Certified Queef Sniffer 4 Sep 2021 @ 3:48am 
⠄⣔⢞⢝⢝⠽⡽⣽⣳⢿⡽⣏⣗⢗⢯⢯⣗⡯⡿⣽⢽⣷⣟⣷⣄ ⠄
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Certified Queef Sniffer 2 Mei 2021 @ 2:42pm 
bASed))890 :IAMSOLAME:
JokerBat 16 Jun 2020 @ 6:59am 
WAWNING! Cawwy on weading! Ow you wiww die, even if you onwy wooked at the wowd wawning! Once thewe was a wittwe giww cawwed Cwawissa, she was ten-yeaws-owd and she wived in a mentaw hospitaw, because she kiwwed hew mom and hew dad. She got so bad she went to kiww aww the staff in the hospitaw so the Mowe- govewnment decided that best idea was to get wid of hew so they set up a speciaw woom to kiww hew, as humane as possibwe but it went wwong the machine they wewe using went wwong. And she sat thewe in agony fow houws untiw she died. Now evewy week on the day of hew death she wetuwns to the pewson that weads this wettew, on a monday night at 12:00a.m. She cweeps into youw woom and kiwws you swowwy, by cutting you and watching you bweed to death. Now send this to ten othew pwofiwes on this one site, and she wiww haunt someone ewse who doesn't. This isn't fake. appawentwy, if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes u wiww have the best of youw wife