Open to add friends, not nick changers. private, inactive or banned profiles.
Only for trading with cards and games, or talk about gaming or Steam stuff.
Like roleplaying, action, stealth, shooters, strategic and management games.
Trades: 1:1. Purchases: below $ 4 with at least 75% discount included.

I extensively play videogames since 30 years and make critics for steam community, with more than 200 published. Always I try end a title getting the most achievements possibles before made a critic. Somebody shall be disagreement with my opinions, but nobody can acuse me of ignorance.

I do this because there a lot of children and teenagers sentencing games without many knowledge, references and after short playing periods, and many writes very influenced by hype, marketing and fanatism. Steam community needs point of views from independence and maturity of adults.
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