My computer's fan is slowly dying. In few weeks/mounths I'm going to try fix it. Please wish me good luck. Till the fix I will play only potato games. (update: of course there are complications)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Don't w8 for me to go online - just send me msg!
I’m up to play some new games using “remote play together“.
My trade link is below
I'm fine with 1:1 cards. You can use the link below
Please, write in coments why are you adding me. I'm ignoring the most of invitations.

현재 오프라인
eledhrim 2021년 4월 24일 오전 12시 40분 
Ach, zapomniałam o tej drugiej opcji, tamten jest z Playa. :D Nie jest najbardziej opłacalny, ale jak pisałam, jest na nagłe wypadki. Grunt, że nie muszę nic płacić, kiedy go nie używam. :D Dobrego weekendu również! ^^"
eledhrim 2021년 4월 23일 오전 4시 51분 
Hej! ^^" Jasne, ja mam umowę od zeszłego września z UPC, opcja podstawowa - 300 Mbps plus pakiet TV w cenie (opcjonalny, nie muszą Ci go instalować). Wtedy była bodaj jakaś promocja, więc cenowo to wychodzi po cztery dychy za miesiąc, a pierwsze trzy były gratis.
lol 2016년 10월 7일 오전 7시 12분 
@Skepta sure
Juice Lewis 2016년 10월 6일 오후 2시 32분 
Kamic 2015년 11월 16일 오전 1시 25분 
Thank you for accepting my trade offer!
The Giggler 2015년 11월 14일 오전 9시 47분 
Thank you for swapping my block n load card!