Klaudio Luçaj
Fushe-arrez, Shkoder, Albania
Se ti je motiv i jetes time vec per ty do te jetoj ti me ben te fle pa mendime vetem ty une enderroj

is back hurts, his ego is hurt
He keeps on striving along
His body is shaking, His mind is breaking
As I sing this song
His knees are giving in
as his sweat pours into the ground
It’s hard to understand how hard
They want to see him fall
For they are the masters and he the servant
He’ll be sacrificed
With the last of his breath
As he’s kicked to the ground
He loudly cries
“You do not own me!
I will not pay for you!”
He rises with a bloody face
Misunderstanding their pertinence
“If I’m here to die,
I’ll surely put up fight!”
All the years of abuse
Only made him slicker
All the hatred words
Only made his skin thicker
What didn’t kill him made him stronger
He was ready to start the revolution
“Fight back! Fiiiight!”
The crowd surrounded in fear
He knew he had been chosen to do his duty
“Freedom! Freedom!”
He preaches loudly
With malicious eyes they fire at him
He wasn’t the first
And won’t be the last
To fight for this freedom
To no regret
The longer they continue to hate
The longer they’ll fight back
Rebel heart, set them free!
To be themselves, just to be.
One day he’ll have his day of justice
To them it’ll come without notice
This is the time
The revolution is near
Much bigger than they seem to fear
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